USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA BY ACADEMICIANS Hüseyin Odabaş Assoc. Prof., Atatürk University, Department of Information Management, Türkiye
The Plan Introduction and Basic Concepts Social Media Social Media in Education Aims, Hypothesis and Method Findings and Discussions a. General Evaluation b. Sample Evaluation Conclusion
Social Media in Education -- a vital element in education -- social media give chance to share learning materials -- a kind of ideal tool which can provide equity for opportunity in education
Aims, Hypothesis and Method Main aims: -- Describing the social media awareness levels of both academicians and students, -- finding out the attitudes of this group related to the use of social media in the education. Sub aims: 1. What is the level of social media use in education among academicians? 2. What are the expectations of students from academicians in terms of educational quality and what is the place and role of social media in these demands?
Aims, Hypothesis and Method The hypotheses: - Among the academicians, the use of social media with educational purpose is accepted as pointless, - Among the academicians the level of social media use with educational purpose is in low level, - Students see social media as a useful tool in the area education, - Students find the level of their lecturer’s social media use in their educational practices insufficient.
Aims, Hypothesis and Method Frequency N Percentage % Social Status Academician11342,5 Student15357,5 Gender Women9937,2 Men16461,7 No answer31,1 Area of Education Social Sciences11041,4 Natural and Engineering Sciences11744,0 Medicine and Health Sciences259,4 Sports Sciences20,8 No answer124,5 Age Academician Lower age group (23-35)5649,6 Upper age group (36-57)5548,7 No answer21,8 Student Lower age group ( ,4 Upper age group (22-32)7347,7 No answer63,9 Total266100
Findings and Discussions -- Likert type of questions are used in order to get two groups of data (Academicians and Students). -- The first group of questions was asked to find out the participants’ attitudes and behavior towards to the social media as a whole. -- The second group of questions is about to the most preferred social media applications of the participants and their evaluations related to these applications.
General Evaluation Table 2: Efficacy of Social Media and Social Media Use
General Evaluation Table 3: Social Media Success
Sample Evaluation Table 4: Facebook Usage
Sample Evaluation Table 5: Blog and Cloud Usage
Sample Evaluation Table 6: Usage of YouTube and Twitter
Conclusion -- The first of hypothesis of research “Among the academicians, the use of social media with educational purpose is accepted as pointless” is verified substantially. -- The second hypothesis “Among the academicians the level of social media use with educational purpose is in low level” is also confirmed to a large extent. Particularly the determination of students about the academicians’ behaviors can be taken into the consideration.
Conclusion -- Another hypothesis “Students see social media as a useful tool in the area education” is also verified in this study. It can be claimed that both academicians and students have similar tendency in terms of usefulness of social media in education.
Conclusion -- Finally, the last hypothesis “Students find the level of their lecturer’s social media use in their educational practices insufficient” is verified according to the result of research. -- Many academic studies show that there is positive correlation between social media usage in education and academic success.
USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA BY ACADEMICIANS Hüseyin Odabaş Assoc. Prof., Atatürk University, Department of Information Management, Türkiye