Responding to student mental health issues: Duty of Care responsibilities for student services in higher education Sally Olohan The Nottingham Trent University © Sally Olohan/AMOSSHE 2002
AIM: To produce a guidance document for Student Services managers, informing good practice in responding to Duty of Care responsibilities in the area of student mental health
Student Mental Health Ongoing mental health difficulties Emerging mental health difficulties Promoting mental health / well-being
Consultation responses Association of University Chief Security Officers Association of University and College Counsellors Chaplains in HE Group Heads of University Counselling Services HEFCE National Disability Team National Schizophrenia Fellowship National Union of Students PAPYRUS (Prevention of Suicide) Skill (National Bureau for Students with Disabilities) UKCOSA (Council for International Education)
Whose responsibility? general welfare support services counselling and advisory services disability support provision careers and educational guidance services chaplains and multi-faith provision student health services equal opportunity units international student support programmes accommodation services, including wardens
Whose responsibility? academic and administrative staff – on-course student support and progression other front-line services security officers library staff porters ancillary staff
Stages of the student experience - good practice issues... pre-admission admissions process on entry/induction ongoing leave of absence and re-entry on-exit