Master Track in Computing Science Computer security Erik Poll Digital Security Group Institute for Computing and Information Sciences (ICIS)
Why study computer security? And why here? Computer security is hot, with excellent job opportunities Computer security has a real impact in everyday life & on society! Opportunities for multidisciplinary research The Digital Security RU leading computer security group in the Netherlands broad range of research, with real impact – in science & society eg work on solutions for online privacy & electronic identities in many projects with companies, eg (security) consultancy companies, evaluation laboratories, electricity companies, government, … => many PhD study opportunities
Organisation Old security master : “Kerckhoffs” security master together with TU Eindhoven and Univ. Twente Last enrollment autumn 2014: New computer security master starting autumn 2015: together with TU Eindhoven Students already enrolled can of course still complete old programme
Practicalities Courses in Nijmegen and Eindhoven You have to at least take 3 obligatory courses in Eindhoven. To reduce travel hassle -Courses given on the same day, and not scheduled the first 2 hours -Some courses given through tele-lecturing Travel on average < 1 day a week One quarter 2 days a week, some quarters none
Research topics that you study Cryptography & security protocols Software security Hardware security - smartcards and RFID tags Network security Privacy Organisational aspects of computer security Legal aspects of computer security
Researchers working on these topics 1/2 Bart Jacobs: correctness and security of software, quantum logics Erik Poll: software security, smartcard security, payment systems, smart grids Jaap Henk Hoepman: privacy, Internet of Things, ddentity management
Researchers working on these topics 2/2 Mireille Hildebrandt: legal aspects of computer security, privacy & profiling, cyber crime, fundamental rights Lejla Batina: physical security, lightweight cryptography, implementations of cryptography Peter Schwabe: high-speed cryptography, cryptanalysis
Programme Track basis - 6 Mandatory courses (30 EC) Track electives - choice from 6 optional security courses Free choice Research Seminar (6 EC) Computer Science & Society (3EC) plus Research intership (15EC) Master thesis (30 EC)
Track-specific courses Optional Law in Cyberspace Hardware Security Cryptographic Engineering Physical Aspects of Computer Security Applied Cryptography Hacker’s Hut Mandatory Security in Organisations Software Security Network Security Privacy Seminar At TUE Cryptography Principles of Data Protection Verification of Security Protocols
Master thesis projects with companies
Master theses: topics, impact & careers Tim Cooijmans. Cryptographic Key Storage and TEE on Android Presented at SPSM 2014, USA. Tim is now with SNS bank Manu Drijvers. Delegation in attribute based credentials. Manu joined IBM research in Zurich as PhD student. Mathias Morbitzer. TCP Idle scans in IPv6 Presented at Hack in the Box Malaysia and at HACK.LU. Joined Fox-IT Pol van Aubel. Effective host-based intrusion of real-time systems Joined DS group as PhD student on project with TenneT Arturo Cedillo Torres & Brinio Hond. Fuzzing the GSM protocol Presented at Essos They both joined KPMG Arjan Blom. ABN-AMRO E-dentifier2 reverse engineering Published at NordSec 2012 and lots of media attention. Started own company Ruben Muijrers. RAM: Rapid Alignment Method Published at CARDIS 2012 & implemented in commercial tool. Joined Riscure Gerhard de Koning Gans. Analysis of the MIFARE classic. Now with High Tech Crime Unit of Dutch police after PhD in DS group.
More info? Detailed information on courses etc /2014/science Pre-master programme? (for HBO or other bachelor than computer science) Contact study advisor Perry de Groot Studying abroad? Make appointment with (Room HG But first contact Perry. Peter Schwabe is the contact person for the Master Security Track.