Social Media 101 Julie Gomoll, MCA-I, September 2007
Agenda What is it? Why should I use it? Getting Started
What is Social Media?
Social Media
What is Social Media? It’s a conversation
Powered by
Should you join in?
Guess What? It’s already happening
Who’s Talking?
Your Audience
Risks of participating People will tell you what you think
Risks of participating And people aren’t always nice
Risks of Participating Your competition will know what you’re up to and try to copy you.
Risks of Not Participating You don’t know what your customers are saying (good or bad) A story could get away from you
Risks of Not Participating
You will fall behind your competitors You will lose customers
Definitions & Examples
Blogs Chronological posts One or more authors Text, pictures, video widgets
Blogs Are blogs inherently social media?
NOT Social Media Blogs with no comments
Blogs It’s a conversation, not a speech.
Blogs Trackbacks Acknowleging others in your sphere
Discussion Boards Are discussion boards inherently social media?
NOT Social Media Sock Puppets From NYTimes, June 2007
Blogs vs. Discussion Boards Blogs One or several public authors Public can comment on each post Discussion Boards Everyone is an author
RSS Really simple syndication Applies to blogs, wikis, podcasts - anything that changes Customer subscribes, gets your changes automatically Are they inherently social media?
Podcasts Not exclusively about iPods Audio or audio and video Subscriptions Are Podcasts inherently Social Media?
NOT Social Media Podcasts with no context, no way to subscribe.
Podcast as part of a conversation 4 options to subscribe Links to forums, other content
Videos Are videos inherently social media?
You Tube YouTube made videos social. Easy embedding, sharing made it take off Ratings, comments
Wikis Anyone can edit Great for lots of information Are wikis inherently social media?
Social Networks Your own place to have all those tools Invite friends to share Many opportunities for interaction Are social networks inherently social media?
Photosharing Is photo sharing inherently social media?
Microblogging Twitter
Mircoblogging Tumblr
Roll Your Own Social Network Ning
Focus on Your Strengths Video
Focus on Your Strengths Photography
Focus on Your Strengths Words + all of above - blog
Getting Started Respect your audience (walmart)
Getting Started Start small and add gradually Keep your posts short but frequently Set a pace you can maintain
Blog Demo! I’ll have a post ready, add a picture, and embed a video!
Social Media Done Right