Electrical Stuff From Questions Friday
3 Phase Motor
3 Phase Box
3 Phase Power
3 Phase Black Red Blue White Neutral White Neutral High leg
3 Phase Breaker
What size of Circuit breaker 5 Hp motor 40 amp. 1 hp = 746 Watts (1 horsepower = watts) so 5 hp = 3,730 watts So if:“I” stands for current (flow of electricity) “A” stands for ampere (unit of current) “V or E” stands for Voltage (current flow) “P” stands for Watts “R” stands for resistance (ohms)
R E or V I
What size of Circuit breaker R = E/I R = 220/ 40 R= 5.5 E= I x R 40 x 5.5 E = 220 P = E x I 220 x 40 P = 8,800 all we needed was P = 3,740 Wire size = # 8 1 hp = 746 Watts (1 horsepower = watts) so 5 hp = 3,730 watts So if:“I” stands for current (flow of electricity) “A” stands for ampere (unit of current) “V or E” stands for Voltage (current flow) “P” stands for Watts “R” stands for resistance (ohms)
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