Electrical Systems Construction Mr. O
Components Incoming Electrical Lines Electrical Meter Service Panels and Subpanels Wiring Outlets Switches Appliances
Rough-In Components Wires Cables Electrical Boxes All added during beginning stages of construction
Finish Components Outlets Switches Light Fixtures Added toward the end of construction
How it Works: Electricity is delivered through overhead lines and/or underground conduit to your house Typically a three-wire system (two hot wires each delivering 120v, plus a neutral) Runs through electric meter to main service panel (breaker box) Electricity travels in a closed path from source to device, then back to source
Electrical use Household lights and small appliances use around 110v Two wire system (one hot, one neutral Plus a ground)
Electrical Use (cont’d) Larger appliances use around 240v (electric stove, dryer, larger AC) Three wire system (two hot, one neutral, Plus a ground)