LINC Directors Group December 2, 2009 Lincoln Trail Libraries System
Agenda u Financial Update u Review of FY2009 u Recommendations from LPC
Financial Update Lincoln Trail Libraries System Appropriated Fund Balances As of November 30, 2009 Automation Equity Designated Balance at 6/30/09$410, Transfer in from Automation Fun Net Income in FY 2010$8, Cash Balance at 11/30/09$418, Cash Balance at 6/30/09$410, Income in FY 2010$8, Transfer out to Automation Fund Cash Balance at 11/30/09$418,449.00
FY2009 Review u 10 new libraries signed agreements to join LINC Sidney Public Library Asia Educational Media Service Monticello Middle School Washington Elementary – Monticello White Heath Elementary – Monticello Sheldon Public DeLand-Weldon School Early Intervention Clearinghouse Library Goose Creek Library (DeLand) Chrisman Public (converted from Union List to Online)
FY2009 Review u 5 additional libraries submitted LSTA grants to join LINC – LSTA was unfortunately shuttered by ISL – no grants received u Geological Survey Library became member of I-Share and disconnected from LINC
FY2009 Review u MyMediaMall began offering iPod, MAC, and EPUB compatible formats u Configured new WebFeat platform and migrated (SirsiDynix product that provides the link to Databases in LINCPac) u Worked with Charleston Carnegie Library to implement Libramation self-check, RFID, and ESIP connection to Horizon u Tested and configured Home Room to assist school libraries with reports and statistics
FY2009 Review u Set up LINCPac self-registration for borrowers from Champaign and Mattoon u Added new statistical counts to Technology web site: MyMediaMall circ by library collection code counts at end of year u Purged borrower records that met certain parameters, cleaned up bibliographic records with no holdings, sent updated holdings to OCLC, did authority loads u Set up acquisitions for more libraries and reserve book room for Lake Land CC
FY2009 Review u Upgraded Horizon products in April, 2009 Horizon WebReporter 1.5 LINCPac 3.1 Pre-overdue notices became standard
FY2009 Review u Accomplished great numbers: Over 5.3 million total circulation (up 13%) Over 698,000 LINC interlibrary loans (up 18%) Over 837,000 bib records (up 4%) Over 6.2 million web catalog searches (up 160%)
FY2009 Review u Participated in Ohio State Library project to begin development of a multi-state open source resource-sharing product u Worked with LTLS Board committee to develop technology plan – draft form u Continued to oversee statewide WorldCat Local pilot project to test interface; now extending WorldCat Local Quick Start implementation to 1,000 Illinois libraries
FY2009 LINC Policy Council u Approved recommended, more consistent circulation settings for CR1 and CR2 itypes – currently being implemented u Examined Community Resources policies and current practices – amended policy and allowed 1 year for data cleanup u Approved change to Cataloging Policies – Local Subject Headings and adopted new policy on adding ContentDM MARC records u Approved change to Acquisitions Policy – libraries using acquisitions can merge bibs
FY2009 LINC Policy Council u Passed 3 resolutions to refer to LINC Directors Group June 24 – To modify the Shared Cost circulation data to LINC borrower circulation data (at any location) for FY2010 That LDG form a committee to examine the current formula for sharing LINC costs November 18 – To begin the process of investigating options for a new automation system