Joy or sadness Attitude toward self and others To be friend or enemy
Joy or sadness Attitude toward self and others To be friend or enemy Good or bad reputation Pr. 22:1 desire good name, reputation Ec. 7:1 good name better than good ointment 1 Cor. 6:18-20 flee immorality, glorify God, body Tit. 2:10 adorn the doctrine of God
Joy or sadness Attitude toward self and others To be friend or enemy Good or bad reputation How deal with mistakes Phil. 3:13-15 not dwell on past, press on Acts 17:30-31 repent and obey God Eph. 4:26-27 deal with mistakes quickly Ja. 5:14-15; Rom. 15:14 talk to people, help Heb.12:5-7 learn from our mistakes Ja. 2:8 live by the golden rule toward others Ja. 2:12-13 be merciful toward others