Beach Pollution Cleaning up Wilmington, NC Kelsie Felix Jackie Zunic - Mentor Carol Everhart - Advisor Nan Danehower- Teacher
Why I Chose My Topic I love going to the beach The pollution level has gotten worse Pollution is affecting our beaches, our water, the wildlife and tourism
Is Society Doing Enough to Prevent Beach Pollution? From my research I have learned: − Beach pollution will ruin our beaches if society doesn’t put a stop to it. − There are several types of pollution including: − litter/trash − oil − storm water − sewage and waste − The most common pollutant is litter/trash −The avg American uses between 300 and 700 plastic bags a year.
Research Facts on Beach Pollution Oil is another major contribution of beach pollution. Oil spills from jet skis, boats, freighters, and large luxury ships. One of the biggest oil spills is from the BP oil spill in The United Nations Environment Program noted that marine debris kills over 100,000 turtles and other marine animals such as dolphins, whales, seals, and fish each year.
Storm Water Runoff that’s untreated drains from the streets and through the storm drain system Runoff eventually runs to the ocean Swimming in affected waters can lead to health problems. In 2003, more than 10% of swimmers reported getting the stomach flu or upper respiratory infections after swimming in affected waters.
Link My research connects to my product because I cleaned trash off of Wilmington Beach, NC. I talked to and surveyed beach-goers about how to prevent beach pollution and some ways its affecting our beaches in NC.
Trifold – Cleaning up Wilmington
Learning Stretch I didn’t know much about beach pollution Talked to people I didn’t know to find a Mentor and someone to interview
Obstacles Finding a mentor Time management – wish I could have started the project earlier Finding time to work on project Making the Yola site
Successes I cleaned up 2 whole bags of trash off the beach Interviewed some of the beach-goers and got personal views on pollution Writing a 8 page paper My project taught me how I can prevent such a harmful situation, making others aware by the news is a great way to broadcast to a large group
Self Reflection I have learned that although I am normally a very patient person… Beach pollution is something that overwhelmed me because it wasn’t something I could immediately fix.
This project made me realize that if every person dedicated a small amount of time to clean up their local beaches, it can make a difference This project will help me in the future because it will prepare me for job interviews and college.