1 BRIEFING to HOC KUWAIT 23 March 2003
2 Introduction Welcome to new attendees Purpose of the HOC Brief Limitations on material Expectations
4 Satellite Baghdad 45 / 73 Nicosia Mosul 39 / 60 Incirlik < 300’ BKN < 1 SM < 3,000’ BKN/3 SM 300 BKN/1 SM 3,000’ BKN 3 SM 59 / 75 Camp Doha VT ZMAR03 KEYKEY 41 / / 57 Kandahar Bagram 37 / / 73 King Faisal 39 / 62 Prince Sultan 65 / 90 Mardin 39 / 57 ICONS Copy & Paste DO MOVE/MODIFY! DUST FOG HAZE FOG HAZE DUST
5 Doha 5-DayICONS Copy & Paste DO MOVE/MODIFY! FOG LO / HI °F CHEMICAL DISPERSION SOLAR /LUNAR (ZULU) SKY COND AND WEATHER VSBY (SM) WINDS (Kts) Thermal Crossover 23 Mar Mar HAZE FOG MARCH CLIMATOLOGY AVG MIN TEMP: 55ºF AVG MAX TEMP: 75ºF AVG PRECIP: 0.5” 25 Mar27 Mar BMNT0158 SR0250 SS1502 EENT1553 MR 2050 MS 0620 %ILL 67% AM NE PM E / 75 Mostly Clear 23 Mar BMNT0157 SR0249 SS1502 EENT1554 MR 2154 MS 0711 %ILL 56% SE G20 58 / 82 Partly Cloudy 24 Mar26 Mar 5-6 Haze 4-5 Haze BMNT0155 SR0246 SS1503 EENT1555 MR 2344 MS 0906 %ILL 35% AM Mostly Cloudy Isold T-Storms PM Partly Cloudy 57 / 74 NW G35 BMNT0153 SR0245 SS1504 EENT1556 MR MS 1007 %ILL 25% Mostly Clear 3-5 Haze 55 / 72 NW AM ½-2 Dust PM 2-4 Dust HAZE BMNT0156 SR0248 SS1503 EENT1555 MR 2253 MS 0807 %ILL 45% SE 15 G25 Isold G30 late 64 / 88 Mostly Cloudy Isold T-Storms late AM 3-5 Haze PM ½ -2 Dust DUST HAZE
Baghdad 5-Day MARCH CLIMATOLOGY AVG MIN TEMP: 49ºF AVG MAX TEMP: 73ºF AVG PRECIP: 1.1” Baghdad 5-Day Forecast LO / HI °F CHEMICAL DISPERSION WINDS (Kts) SKY COND AND WEATHER VSBY (SM) % HUMIDITY ICONS Copy & Paste DO MOVE/MODIFY! FOG HAZE FOG 27 Mar 24 Mar25 Mar 23 Mar26 Mar 3-5 Haze NW / Mostly Clear 3-4 Haze SE / Partly CloudyMostly Cloudy AM 3-5 Haze PM 1-3 Dust SE G25 52 / / Mostly Cloudy PM Isold T-Storms 4 Haze HAZE SE G28 AM 1-3 Dust PM 2-4 Dust W G30 52 / AM Mostly Cloudy Isold T-Storms PM Partly Cloudy HAZE DUST
9 Operational Summary US and UK Marines secure Rumaylah Oil fields –Includes the gas oil separation plant (GOSPs), crude oil export facilities, and oil wells. –Secures approx 1.6 million barrel/day production for Iraqi people –Issues outstanding: Safe shutdown, fire fighting, and environmental cleanup. 1 TBM attack into Kuwait yesterday – military target, Patriot kill: –Area of operations for shorter range missiles is considerably reduced –All of Kuwait remains under threat of SCUDs, Iraq’s largest missiles Airstrikes continue throughout Iraq Ground operations continue
10 Operational Summary Graphics No Coalition Cleared Routes
11 Significant Recent Humanitarian Assistance Activities HOC inputs Umm Qasr assessment begun
12 Umm Qasr Initial assessment of Umm Qasr completed –Immediate need: Water All warehouses that were not locked were checked and found to be empty. There are 11 train tracks: 9 intact and 4 had railcars on them (rail cars were empty) No DCs were observed. No one seemed to speak English, but all civilians were friendly. City buses were running to and from Basrah. People were not asking for food, just water. Ships that were out in the shipping lanes looked as if they were ready to dock. At the new port of Umm Qasr there were 2 new well-maintained cranes. Railroad switching station outside of town had been stripped of it’s electrical wiring. One of the EPWs was an Iraqi Col who was the port director. He spoke broken English and said everything was running in the port. He offered to run the port for us and was very cooperative. The UN buildings outside town were blown up. Civilians may be obtaining Iraqi weapons. One of the buildings has a new transformer that looks to be in good shape. The 402 nd CA Bn was arriving.
13 Southern Highlights Awaiting assessment as units move north
14 Critical City Status Southern Iraq Al BasrahNot assessed Al ShatrahNot assessed Al NasiriyahNot assessed As SumawahNot assessed Umm Qasr R From preliminary assessment Az ZubayrNot assessed WaterFoodFuel Security Power
15 Critical City Status Central Iraq An NajafNot assessed Al’ AmarahNot assessed Al KutNot assessed Ad DiwaniyahNot assessed BaghdadNot assessed WaterFoodFuel Security Power
16 Critical City Status Northern Iraq KirkukSome civilian movement to outlying villages IrbilSome civilian movement to outlying villages Al SulaymaniyahSome civilian movement to outlying villages DahukNot assessed KarbalaCommercial centers closed Al-HillahNot assessed WaterFoodFuel Security Power
17 Airports BasrahNot Secured, Not Assessed SafwanNot Secured, Not Assessed JalibahUnder coalition control, Not Yet Assessed TallilUnder coalition control, Not Yet Assessed Qalat SalihNot Secured, Not Assessed Qalat SikarNot Secured, Not Assessed Al-KutNot Secured, Not Assessed An NumaniyahNot Secured, Not Assessed BaghdadNot Secured, Not Assessed Seaport Umm QasrUnder coalition control, initial assessment completed, detailed forthcoming
18 Regional Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) are available Select “Attention Notices” number M0001/03 or
19 Kuwait-Iraq Ground Routes Highway 80Not Secured, Not Assessed Highway 6Not Secured, Not Assessed Highway 7Not Secured, Not Assessed Country Corridors into Iraq KuwaitNot yet open to civilian traffic Saudi ArabiaNot Secured, Not Assessed (Ar’ar) JordanNot Secured, Not Assessed (Tall Kujic) SyriaNot Secured, Not Assessed (Abu Kamal) TurkeyNot Secured, Not Assessed (Silopi) IranNot Secured, Not Assessed (Pirhan Shahr)
20 Border Crossings KuwaitMilitary traffic only Saudi ArabiaClosed JordanOpen, with restrictions (Source: Petra News) SyriaTCNs Only TurkeyClosed IranClosed
21 Dislocated Civilians Information Confirmed locations of DCs Number Activity Direction of movement Actions taken No confirmed reports of significant dislocation in the south Undetermined DC flow in the north
22 DC Camp Information Reported locations of DC Camps Number Activity Direction of movement Not applicable at this time
23 Significant CMO/Civil Developments CA teams are beginning initial assessments (Umm Qasr, airfields)
24 RFI Status Standing RFI - significant civilian population movements Standing RFI - landmine, UXO, depleted uranium locations Umm Qasr area status – initial information included earlier ICRC spectrum management issues – taken for action – no change ICRC Current EPW numbers and process: Provost Marshal Office has contacted ICRC and establishing procedures in meeting today (CLOSED) Note: HOC personnel have an RFI form and tracking process established. Please use this process to allow us to better track and respond to RFIs.
25 AP AT AP AT Mix UXO Unknown SubMunition Mine Location Update
26 Oil Well Fire Update 1. 30:07:39N 047:25:38E flame height 330 feet (bright intense flame with very little smoke) 2. 30:07:40N 047:26:34E flame height 54 feet --- heavy smoking 3. 30:06:46N 047:25:06E flame height 77 feet smoking 4. 30:06:46N 047:26:18E fire with smoke 5. 30:07:41N 047:25:25E fire with smoke 6. 30:07:40N 047:25:39E bright flame with very little smoke 7. 30:07:41N 047:26:35E flame with smoke Lat Long
27 Kuwait / Iraq Border Oil Well Fire Update
28 UNCLASSIFIED Oil Well Fire Update
29 Special Topics Access to Iraq –Coordinate movement with the HOC –HOC / Relief Community / Military devised agreed-upon procedures –Use of procedures will improve flow and security
30 Questions ?