England’s Attempts to Control the Colonies Colonial Reactions
Review Proclamation of 1763-To keep the peace between the Native Americans and the Colonists, the British did not allow the Colonists to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains -Colonists ignored this and settled anyways. Sugar Act-set duties (taxes) on molasses and sugar imported by the colonists (first act passed specifically to raise money in the colonies)
Review continued “No taxation without Representation” -Parliament should not be able to take money from the colonists without having a say in the government Committees of Correspondence-groups that would go town to town sharing ideas and information about British laws and ways to challenge them
Review Continued Stamp Act-pay and official stamp (seal) on all paper products -this is the first attempt by the British to tax the colonists directly Protesting began
Sons of Liberty Colonist’s formed secret societies Samuel Adams helped to form this group in Boston Sometimes used violence to frighten tax collectors
Declaratory Acts Through the Stamp Act Congress and the boycotting of British goods by the Colonists, the Stamp Act was repealed Declaratory Act-Parliament has the power to make laws for the colonies “in all cases whatsoever” -This was a reaction to the challenge of authority by the colonists through the Stamp Act
Celebration Colonists were very excited about the repeal of the Stamp Act, and thanked King George-promising loyalty Speaking too soon…..there were several other things the colonists and Parliament did not see on to eye about.
Townshend Acts Townshend Acts-duties placed on imported glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea. Money was said to pay for military costs and the salaries of the colonial governors. -In violation of no standing army during times of peace without the colonists consent Writs of Assistance-forms that allowed tax collectors to search for smuggled goods. -Colonists believed this was a violation of their rights
Responses of the Colonists In response to the Townshend Acts, colonists boycotted British goods. Daughters of Liberty-Women who supported the boycotting of British goods. Colonial Legislatures banded together in protest of the British taxes.
Things Get Heated!!! England sent troops to the colonies to restore order after they confiscated a ship, accusing them of smuggling goods Boston Massacre- British soldier got into a fight with a colonists-colonists threw snowballs, shouted insults, crowd grew bigger-SOLDIER Fired into the crowd-killed several colonists.
Tea Act To ease the tension after the Boston Massacre, Parliament repeals most of the Townshend Act-tax on tea remains. British East India Tea Company sold directly to the colonies for low price Colonial merchants of tea and smugglers felt this would put them out of business MONOPOLY-gain complete control
Response to Tea Act Ships carrying British tea arrived in Boston Harbor-Sons of Liberty demanded they leave. Colonists dressed as Native Americans snuck on the ship during the night-dumped 342 tea chests into the harbor-Boston Tea Party
Response to the Tea Party Intolerable Acts- 1. Boston Harbor- closed until all tea is paid for 2. Massachusetts Charter canceled 3. Royal officials accused of crimes were sent back to England to await trial 4. Quartering Act-forced colonists to house and supply British soldiers