THE RULES: All teams play each question Give each answer in the form of a question Host’s decisions are FINAL
And now…here is the host of Jeopardy… Mr. Riso
Let’s Get Ready to play… Today’s Categories are:
Act 1 and 2 and 3 Act 1 and 2 and 3 Etc… Blaw, Etc… Blaw, Blaw!
Boston, What Boston, What A Pain In the A Pain In the Kings Butt Kings Butt
Major Military Major Military At Your Service At Your Service
Allies And Enemies
The Revolution The Revolution Is Over! Is Over! Now What? Now What?
Act 1 and 2 and 3 Etc… Blaw, Blaw, Blaw! Boston, What A Pain In the Kings Butt Major Military At Your Service AlliesAndEnemies The Revolution Is Over! Now What? DD FJ Potpourri
The war between The French/Natives and the British from Answer…
? What is the French Indian War ? 100
This tasty act imposed on the colonies to help pay for the war and protection of the colonies. Answer…
? What is the Sugar Act? 200
This Travelling Act was imposed on the Colonist’s newspapers, playing cards and other paper documents. Answer…
? What is the stamp act ? 300
This 1766 tax on imported tea, glass, paper and paint were all repealed by 1770 except tea. Answer…
What is the Townshend Act? 400
They met for the first time to discuss how to deal with the intolerable acts. Answer…
Who are the First Continental Congress? 500
A crowd of 50 to 60 men and children taunt British soldiers who fire on the citizens killing five. Answer…
What is the Boston Massacre? 100
Colonists, disguised as Mohawks, rushed a wharf, boarded the British tea ships and heaved 342 chests of tea into the harbor. Answer…
What is the Boston Tea Party What is the Boston Tea Party ? 200
He gave the popular speech “Give me liberty or give me death”. Answer…
Who is Patrick Henry ? 300
He rode from Boston to Lexington and Concorde to warn that “the Regulars are coming”. Answer…
Who is Paul Revere? 400
First battle of the revolution. Answer…
What is the battle Lexington and Concorde? 500
Fort seized to block the north and south British armies from each other. Answer…
What is the Green Mountain Boys Seize Fort Ticonderoga? 100
Congress comes together and decides to make Washington the Commander and Chief asks colonies to supply troops. Answer…
What is ? What is The Second Continental Congress? 200
British win but the colonists win a moral victory. Answer…
What is The Battle of Bunker Hill? 300
Washington’s first major defeat when he retreats to New Jersey. Answer…
What is the British under Howe occupy New York? 400
Washington’s sneak attack on German mercenaries. Answer…
What is Washington crosses the Delaware/Capture of Trenton ? 500
Good judgment pamphlet published by Thomas Pain in Answer…
What is Common Sense? 100
Document Written by Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklyn. Answer…
What is the Declaration of Independence? 200
Number of stars and stripes on “Old Glory”. Answer…
What is 13? 300
Country that signs an alliance with the United States. Answer…
Who is France? 400
Turns West Point over to the British. Answer…
Who is Benedict Arnold? 500
First name given to the United States government before current government was established. Answer…
What is The Articles of Confederation? 100
Final battle fought and won by the United States and France defeating the British southern army. Answer…
What is The Battle of Yorktown? 200
Treaty signed to officially end the Revolutionary War. Answer…
What is The Treaty of Paris? 300
British Prime Minister who resigns after defeat of Yorktown. Answer…
Who is Lord Frederick North? 400
The year the current U.S. constitution was ratified. Answer…
What is 1787? 500
Popular quote by colonists which defined their anger towards being taxed by the British Government. Answer…
What is no taxation without representation? 100
The event that was a primary reason why the framers of the Constitution decided to create a federal district, distinct from the states, where Congress could provide for its own security.federal district Answer…
What is the ? What is the Pennsylvania Mutiny of 1783? 200
Three countries the British were at war with during the Revolutionary War. Answer…
Who are The United States, France and Spain? 300
Made matters worse for the British by declaring war on them. Answer…
Who is Spain Who is Spain? 400
Capital city of the United States throughout most of the Revolutionary War. Answer…
What is Philadelphia Pensylvania? 500
Daily Double How much do you want to wager? Daily Double Daily Double
CATEGORY: Declaration of Independence How much do you want to wager? Proceed…
Philosopher who had a major influence on the writers of the declaration of Indpendence. Proceed…
Who is John Locke? Proceed…
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