Unit 5 Causes of the Revolution Lessons 1-5. 1.a document that people sign that formally asks leaders to do or change something 2.someone who felt the.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 5 Causes of the Revolution Lessons 1-5

1.a document that people sign that formally asks leaders to do or change something 2.someone who felt the colonies should remain loyal to Britain 3.to communicate by writing letters 4.information written to persuade others to change their way of thinking 5.to do away with 6.an organized group that meets to make decisions 7.someone who felt the colonies should separate from Britain A.loyalist B.propaganda C.correspond D.petition E.repeal F.Patriot G.committee Vocabulary

8.to speak out against something 9.an organized refusal to buy goods or services 10.a person chosen to represent others 11.to come together 12.Great Britain’s lawmaking assembly 13.a tax on imported goods 14.someone who gives speeches 15.civilian army that is only used in emergencies A.Parliament B.protest C.boycott D.unify E.militia F.delegate G.tariff H.orator

All of these are reasons the colonists showed their opposition to British taxes and tariffs except for __________. A. the colonists protested B. paid the taxes C. fought the British D. sent petitions to Parliament

What happened as a result of the Stamp Act Congress? A. Colonists could boycott goods B. Colonists could buy stamps C. Parliament repealed the Stamp Act D. Parliament passed the Stamp Act

Glass, paint, and tea were all taxed as part of the _____________ Act. Townshend

What was another name for the Coercive Acts? A. Townshend Acts B. Stamp Acts C. Intolerable Acts D. Circus Acts

“I’ll show the British government that we don’t need them! I’m going to ________ !” boycott “I’ll just weave our own ______!” cloth

The Committee of Correspondence was formed to ______________ news throughout the __________. communicate colonies

The Second Continental Congress formed the Continental Army and sent the __________ to the king. A. Olive Branch Petition B. Declaration of Independence C. Mrs. Field’s chocolate chip cookie recipe D. Stamp Act

Welcome to the First Continental Congress! We must stop trading with Britain until the Coercive Acts have been repealed! We must train the militia! We should meet again in a year if relations with Britain are not better!

The First Continental Congress met in ____________in 1774 because of its _______ location. central Philidelphia

The Declaration of Independence explained why the colonists wanted ___________ and gave them a reason to fight for _____________. freedom independence

Which of these was NOT a key idea of the Declaration of Independence? GGovernments should be led by kings. PPeople can get rid of a government that does not protect their rights. GGovernment gets its power from the people. GGovernment exists to protect the rights of the people.

Who was the main writer of the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson

What was the main idea of the booklet Common Sense? A.argued that people should have the right to govern themselves rather than be ruled by a king B.that the colonists should pay taxes and be protected by British soldiers C.argued that people should not have the right to govern themselves and should be ruled by a king D.colonists should get mad and throw tea into Boston Harbor

Which of these men fought on the side of the British Army during the French and Indian War? A. Patrick Henry B. James Otis C. George Washington D. Thomas Jefferson

Who said, “Give me liberty or give me death”? A. James Otis B. Patrick Henry C. John Adams D. Johnny Appleseed

Who said, “Taxation without representation is tyranny”? A. James Otis B. George III C. George Washington D. Robin Hood

Britain had to pay a huge ______ from the French and Indian War in which they __________ the ________ settlers. debt protected western Whydid Britain need to tax and impose tariffs on the American colonies? Why did Britain need to tax and impose tariffs on the American colonies?

What did the Sons of Liberty do? The Sons of Liberty protested the ________ ________ by burning _________ and threatening _____ collectors. Stamp stamps tax Act

Why did Parliament pass the Coercive Acts? Parliament punished the colonists for the ________ ____ _______ by closing the port of Boston, forcing colonists to house and feed _________ _________, and putting a British ________ in charge. Boston Tea Party British soldiers general

What were the colonists risking by signing the Declaration of Independence? The colonists were risking ________ because they were committing ________. death treason

Why do you think John Adams defended the British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre? John Adams wanted to make sure the soldiers got a ______ ______. fair trial