U. S. Department of Energy West Valley Demonstration Project 18096_1 HLW Project Status Bryan Bower, DOE WVDP Denis Koutsandreas, DOE EM HQ Ron Farchmin, WVNSCO Bryan Bower, DOE WVDP Denis Koutsandreas, DOE EM HQ Ron Farchmin, WVNSCO April 15, 2005
18096_2 Overview u Achievements u Selected HLW canistered production data u Dismantlement status u Preparation for large equipment D&D u Large equipment D&D and removal u Safe storage of removed components
18096_3 Vitrification Facts u Achievements u Approximately 600 tons of glass produced; 24 million curies u More than 80 months of safe, successful radioactive operations One of the test canisters before hot opsInside the Vitrification (Vit) Cell before system startup
18096_4 Vitrification Facts u Achievements u Additional flushing with non-radioactive glass before melter was shut down on Sept. 5, 2002 u 2200 kg (88%) of material removed from melter using evacuated canisters u 275 high-level waste canisters filled and safely stored in former reprocessing facility u No future use for Vitrification cell/facility Evacuated canister used to remove remaining material HLW canisters in storage in one of the cells that was formerly used for spent fuel reprocessing
18096_5 Dismantlement Status u Dismantlement began Oct —Continued progress on cleanup of the WVDP —Could be accomplished with available funding —Use the talents and experience of people working on site today u Work Scope —Remove and package expended equipment and material —Ship Class A low-level waste off-site for disposal; Stage Class B & C for shipment —Package some waste for future processing —Vacuum Cell floor —Complete dismantlement by Dec. 2004
18096_6 Selected HLW Canistered Production Data u Avg. mass: 2,045+/-10kg. u Avg. wattage: 239w; max. calculated 362w u Avg. Curies: 3.68 x 10E+4 u Mean Predicted PCT —Boron: 2.89 mg/l; High 3.08 —Lithium: 2.90 mg/l; High 3.05 —Sodium: 2.81 mg/l; High 2.98 u Canister Surface Dose Rate —Nominal Gamma: 4,226 R/hr.; High 6,362 R/hr. —Nominal Neutron: 0.33 R/hr.; High 0.88 R/hr.
18096_7 Dismantlement Status u Cell dimensions —70’ long —43’ wide —46’ tall u Nine major components u 1900 linear feet of utility and process piping u General area dose rates 5 – 50 R/hr u High contamination levels >100MM dpm/100 cm2 beta gamma u All dismantlement requires remote tooling Inside the Vit Cell before dismantlement began
18096_8 Preparing for Remote Dismantlement u Tools adapted for processing and handling Floor mounted manipulator (Brokk ® ) modified for full remote operations 50-ton shielded fork lift for moving waste packages
18096_9 Remote Processing Tooling Robotics Arm Three Existing in-cell Manipulators
18096_10 Remote Dismantlement Operations Floor mounted manipulator (Brokk ® ) modified for full remote operations
18096_11 Major Accomplishments to Date u Over 98 of the expected 120 expended materials waste containers have been removed u Nine major components were removed and packaged, including the: —Concentrator Feed Makeup Tank (CFMT) —Melter Feed Hold Tank (MFHT) —54-ton Melter u Concentrating on final cleanup and cell vacuuming —Project completion by June 2005
18096_12 Large Equipment D&D Major challenge was large vessel removal u Additional flushing performed after Vit system was shut down u Vessels were sprayed with fixative u Components placed in highly robust containers with 3-5 inch carbon-steel walls u Low-density grout added to provide additional stabilization for storage and transport u Dose rates for the two packaged containers range from less than 1 mrem/hr to ~30 mrem/hr on contact Packaged WeightsCFMT ~ 175 tons MFHT ~ 145 tons Melter ~ 200 tons 19-axle trailer required to transport melter container
18096_13 Large Equipment D&D Treatment From upper left: 1. Spray-on fixative is applied to the CFMT 2. The CFMT is tipped 3. The CFMT is drawn in to the staged container 4. A containment shelter is used for contamination control 5. The loaded MFHT container is grouted
18096_14 Melter D&D And Interim Storage u The Melter —Melter removed from Vit Cell using rail and roller system —Melter moved freely until it reached a ramp —Sweep on front rollers contacted rails on the ramp, causing the rear wheels to lose contact with the track —Recovery efforts necessitated the design of an engineered method to move melter back on track —Recovery was completed on November 13; melter is now packaged for storage Brokk ® is instrumental in melter recovery process Packaged melter prepared for storage
18096_15 On Site Interim Waste Storage Large component storage area Temporary shielded storage for debris requiring further processing u Large equipment or components are safely stored on site