STARTER – SEPTEMBER 16TH List 3 examples of new laws the British enforced on the colonies to help pay off the war debt. Explain how each led to the outbreak of the Revolutionary War. List 3 examples of new laws the British enforced on the colonies to help pay off the war debt. Explain how each led to the outbreak of the Revolutionary War.
THE INTOLERABLE ACTS Designed to punish the colonists for Tea Party Designed to punish the colonists for Tea Party Closed Boston Harbor Closed Boston Harbor Restricted trial by jury Restricted trial by jury Searches without warrants Searches without warrants Quartering troops without permission Quartering troops without permission No town meetings allowed in Massachusetts – Boston under military rule No town meetings allowed in Massachusetts – Boston under military rule Trying to isolate Massachusetts, but only strengthened the colonies unity Trying to isolate Massachusetts, but only strengthened the colonies unity
THE FIRST CONTINENTAL CONGRESS 12 colonies… sent delegates to Philadelphia 12 colonies… sent delegates to Philadelphia Every colony except Georgia was there Every colony except Georgia was there Lasted 7 weeks Lasted 7 weeks Divided on the issue of declaring independence Divided on the issue of declaring independence Sent letter to the King asking for rights to be restored, wanted to remain loyal to England Sent letter to the King asking for rights to be restored, wanted to remain loyal to England Defended colonies’ right to run their own affairs Defended colonies’ right to run their own affairs Supported the protests in Massachusetts Supported the protests in Massachusetts Olive Branch Petition Olive Branch Petition
LEXINGTON AND CONCORD Start of the revolutionary war Start of the revolutionary war British troops were marching to Concord British troops were marching to Concord They met local militia in Lexington, asked them to disperse, they refused They met local militia in Lexington, asked them to disperse, they refused Someone fired a shot Someone fired a shot “Shot heard round the world” “Shot heard round the world” Eventually, British were chased back to Boston; militia fired at them from the woods Eventually, British were chased back to Boston; militia fired at them from the woods
SECOND CONTINENTAL CONGRESS Started May 1775 Started May 1775 Divided in beliefs- independence v. loyal Divided in beliefs- independence v. loyal Declared Independence from England Declared Independence from England Wrote the Declaration of Independence Wrote the Declaration of Independence Supported the troops in Boston Supported the troops in Boston Chose a general Chose a general George Washington George Washington Adopted Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 Adopted Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776
A COUNTY DIVIDED 2/5th Patriots: Mostly in New England and VA 2/5th Patriots: Mostly in New England and VA 1/5 th Loyalists = Tories: Mostly in NY and South 1/5 th Loyalists = Tories: Mostly in NY and South Native Americans and African Americans would have to decide which side will treat them best if they win Native Americans and African Americans would have to decide which side will treat them best if they win
THE AMERICAN COLONIES Advantages Better leadership-Washington “Home Field Advantage” Tactics/Strategy-guerilla warfare Foreign Aid- France as an ally Motivated to save own land Disadvantages Had to start Army/Navy from Scratch No formal government to make decisions Scarce supplies: money, clothing, food, guns, ammo
THE BRITISH EMPIRE Advantages Best Army and Navy in the world Also 30,000 hired mercenaries Controlled major cities (NY and Boston) Richest nation in the world Strong and organized government Disadvantages Far away from Britain, sending orders, getting news takes 2 months Fought using old strategies- unwilling to change Has a worldwide empire to worry about
STRATEGIES American Colonies Score early victories to show they were for real Drum up support-gain more patriots Gain foreign allies-France, Spain British Occupy major coastal cities- take advantage of better Navy Drum up Loyalist support Crush the Continental Army before it has a chance to gain momentum
REVOLUTIONARY WAR French and Indian War: causes, effects and how it led to the Revolution 5 new laws and taxes enforced by the British on the colonies (explain). Massachusetts (Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, Lexington and Concord). Describe the goals both Continental Congresses American advantages/disadvantages British advantages/disadvantages Major battles (explain 3) Treaty of Paris and the effects of the war Picture on every page!!!!