9/16 Day 1- Unit One Vocabulary- Take out one divider. Colonies to Revolution 1.Cut 9 index cards in half. 2. Tape line side down on divider, domino style. 3. Write the term on the bottom of the front of the card. 4. Draw a clue to help you with the definition 5. Flip over and write definition 6. Finish for homework, due tomorrow 9/17 Mercantilism Colonial Self Government Learning Target: I can differentiate between the economies of the three sections of the colonies. Tape
Mercantilism Economic system set up by Britain to get cheap raw materials and have markets to sell finished goods in the colonies.
Navigation Acts Restricted colonial trade. Export/import through England.
Salutary Neglect English policy of relaxing the enforcement of regulations in its colonies.
Mayflower Compact & Fundamental Order of Connecticut Colonists first attempts at self-rule, self- government and democracy.
Albany Plan of Union & Virginia House of Burgesses Colonists first attempts at self-rule, self- government and democracy.
Proclamation of 1763 Britain prohibited its American colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains.
Sugar Act Lowered the tax on molasses and allowed prosecutors to try smugglers. *Gave more power to British courts NBD
Stamp Act Tax on all legal documents, licenses, newspapers, almanacs, cards and dice. *Big Deal, colonists lose respect for King.
Townshend Act Direct tax on glass, lead, paint and paper. 3 cent tax on tea. “No taxation without representation”.
Boston Massacre Propaganda used to portray the British attack on defenseless citizens. Five dead.
Intolerable Acts Martial law set up in the colonies, giving the British military control. Punished colonists that rebelled. *Colonists boycott
Second Continental Congress Approved the Declaration of Independence. National government during the Revolutionary War.
Olive Branch Petition Second Continental Congress asked King George III for peace. King rejects request.
Common Sense Pamphlet by Thomas Paine that called for the colonies to separate from Britain.
Declaration of Independence List of colonial grievances sent to the King and the world explaining why the colonists declared their independence. Written by Thomas Jefferson 1776
Loyalists Colonists who supported the British government during the American Revolution.
Battle at Saratoga Colonial victory was a turning point in Revolutionary War (1777). France recognized American independence (1778) and sent aid.
Treaty of Paris Full U.S. independence Set boundaries-Atlantic Ocean to Mississippi River and Canada to Florida border. 1783