Singling, tip pruning and stem form improvement for Koa Forest Solutions, Inc. November 16, 2012
Why is it needed? Acacias have poor apical dominance -Heavy lateral branching -Competing leaders This is exacerbated by -Psyllid attacks that kill apical meristem -Frost / drought that also kill tips -Open growing conditions
What is singling and tip pruning? Singling -Removing competitive leaders only -Cut flush with stem of sapling -Target small (1/4” or less) branches Tip pruning -Remove tips of competing leaders only -Keep photosynthetic area -Reduce competition from side branches
Singling and tip pruning: Cases 1 – 3 Singling Tip pruning
Singling and tip pruning: Cases 4 – 6 Singling Tip pruning
Singling: Before
Singling: After
Singling: Before
Singling: After
Tip pruning
Singling schedule Entry 1 at 10 months Entry 2 at 16 months w/ tip pruning Entry 3 at 24 months w/ tip pruning Cost -Approximately $ 80 - $ 90 per acre depending on ground conditions
Cost consequences of insufficient pruning Pruning at years -Large dead branches -Telescoping chain saw necessary -Longer time per tree Pruning at years -All live branches -Hand saw sufficient -Shorter per-tree times -More trees eligible for pruning Per-operator Acres / hr Tool / Method Time/tree (min) Trees/h r 2006‡ (200 tpa) 2007 (220 tpa) 2009 (240 tpa) Hand saw Manual telescoping† NA Chainsaw telescoping† NA † Area per time does not influence production rates because telescoping saws visit fewer trees than hand saws and can thus spend additional time at a given tree ‡ Trees per acre indicates trees that must be pruned, not total stems Personnel Production Cost Stand Hand saw Man. Tel. Chn. Tel. Acres / hr Acres / (8 hr) day $ / hr$ / ac $125$ $125$ $125$92