For Final Bible As Literature Exam
Elizabeth: ….Abigail brings the other girls into the court, and where she walks the crowd will part like the sea for Israel. And folks are brought before them, and if they scream and howl and fall to the floor—the person’s clapped in the jail for bewitchin’ them (52-53).
nQvs nQvs
Driving through the desert I met a man Who told me of his crazy plan He'd been walking there for 20 days He was gonna walk on for 20 more I said, How about a drink or a bite to eat He said, No, my faith is all I need So then, save me, save me Mister walking man, if you can
Readers get a fascinating look inside the history and philosophy of both Patagonia and its irascible, opinionated founder. From its beginning, the book shares a sense of Chouinard's strong-willed personality and his love of the outdoors. He recounts a mostly happy childhood spent in a still-unspoiled southern California, climbing, diving, fishing, and surfing.
PEIw PEIw 3:42
Santiago "...picked the mast up and put it on his shoulder and started up the road. He...[sat] down five times before he reached his shack.”
“God once spoke to people by name. The sun once imparted its flame. One impulse persists as our breath; The other persists as our faith.”
02cw 02cw
N6qk (2:22) N6qk
“In a many dark hour/ I’ve been thinkin’ about this/ that Jesus Christ/ was betrayed with a kiss.”
“And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free”
“Three days,” Shay said, yawning. “Three days?” He smiled at me, and for the first time in hours, I actually felt warm to the core. “That’s when I’m coming back.” (Shay is a death row inmate who is preparing to die).
QCwA (Matthew 6:10) QCwA
“Anyone come forward to claim [the body] yet?” “No, unfortunately. It’s always a little more difficult knowing a body is destined to a pine box headed for potter’s field.” (Think of Judas’ money).
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92VY 92VY
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“Solomon said divide the child in half. See what you can do for this case.” Said to Jack, the lawyer who must negotiate sentences between two different criminals, both of whom have families that want one child.
“Now when all the bandits that you turned your other cheek to/ All lay down their bandanas and complain…”
“Very soon, however, his look became keen and penetrative. A writhing horror twisted itself across his features, like a snake guiding swiftly over them, and making one little pause, with all its wreathed interrevolutions in open sight.”
He never spoke a word to me; and yet He called my name; He never gave a sign to me, and yet I knew and came. At first I said, “I will not bear His cross upon my back; He only seeks to place it there because my skin is black.” But He was dying for a dream, and He was very meek, And in His eyes there shone a gleam men journey far to seek. It was Himself my pity bought; I did for Christ alone What all of Rome could not have wrought with bruise of lash or stone.
This one has some pretty gross images! PTMtFs PTMtFs