County-wide membership organization Agencies and individuals Interested in area human services Indiana County Department of Human Services (a county office under the direction of the Indiana County Commissioners)
The mission of the HSC shall be to foster, promote, and facilitate cooperation among human service organizations in Indiana County.
Forum for cooperation and sharing of information Foster understanding Encourage community and agencies to work together Promote awareness Provide training Collaboration and coordination Maximize resources Foster linkages
Founded 1979 as Human Resource Council Informal group of human services providers Objectives Discuss problems Eliminate duplication Develop resource directory Cooperative training Effective referral system
Reorganized August 1984 Renamed Human Services Council Monthly newsletter Programs at meetings Community events Community service scholarships
Growing membership Council officers include President Vice-president Secretary Treasurer Executive Committee Officers Committee Chairs Immediate past president
By-Laws Community Connections Education and Fellowship Finance Legislative Nominating Volunteerism
Monthly Meetings Educational Programs Legislative Forum Networking Access Updates Input Volunteer of the Year Summer Picnic Holiday Luncheon FUN!!!!
Open to organizations and individuals Provide or advocate service Fee $30 for organization (voting member) $20 for associate member (Non-voting member) Monthly Minutes
click on Information about Human Services in Indiana County and then on the Human Services Council Folder Send correspondence to: Human Services Council of Indiana County P.O. Box 1293 Indiana, PA 15701