GLOBALIZATION AND MEDIA Globalization: world is becoming an integrated marketplace national borders less important transnational corporations dominate a global market “time-space compression” How is media being "globalized"? Media ownership Media content Media access
Globalization most pervasive at level of organizing and creating media Makes media more commercial, supported by advertising
Most countries produce own media culture… but draw upon American models “glocal” : “local” productions done with “global” forms KEY QUESTION: Is globalization a process of cultural homogenization or hybridization?
Cultural impact of media and information flows: Larger, more prosperous nations can create more media content than small, poorer nations Cultural imperialism: when some countries dominate others through the media Causes erosion of traditional culture and change sometimes termed “Westernization” or “Americanization”
Conflict between “free flow of information” and “national sovereignty” idea that governments are entitled to assert national control over natural resources, culture, politics
GLOBAL MEDIA CASES Music Global industry based in US Thriving national and regional industries Cheaper so wider variety served Major international companies also record and sell works by national artists
Film Most globalized media and also most difficult to sustain on national basis. Why? Expensive Risky investment Distribution channels globalized
Why have American films succeeded in variety of markets? US market big enough to recoup costs US audience diverse Hollywood draws talent from around world Hollywood studios control overseas distribution Can other national film markets succeed? If domestic market is large enough or film companies produce for a multicountry market
Television All governments involved in controlling “privatizing” selling government assets to private owners Quotas limit amount of imported TV programming that can be shown. “localized” media productions adapted to local tastes and interests
Is American media having less influence around the world? Other nations are producing more programming Media in many nations subsidized by government Import of U.S. media limited in some nations National and regional TV and music production increase because they are feasible economically and because audiences want them
Why Globalization ≠ Americanization Regionalization: media through a geographical region Language and culture more important than geography Example: Europe & TV Cultural proximity: desire for cultural products as similar as possible to one’s own language, culture, history, and values
“cultural-linguistic markets” build on common languages and common cultures that span borders Examples: Egyptian TV, film, music
Other reasons why Globalization ≠ Americanization Reduces culture to commodities Assumes what is “foreign” = national difference America is not the only global power Sees American culture as too monolithic
MEDIA, POWER, AND YOU! Globalization of media and the question of cultural imperialism is about power. Who has the power to: Create media Distribute media Exhibit media Censor media Consume media