Envisioning Big Data CNS, SLIS, IU, Bloomington, IN | Big Data Symposium The Becton Engineering and Applied Science Center, New Haven, CT October 26, 2012
WS Related Research Interests Designing and updating classification systems such as the UCSD Map of Science Building tools and services that support the usage of science maps Aligning existing classifications, ontologies, taxonomies to the UCSD Map of Science International, cross-sectional collaborations to regularly update classifications and science maps in engineering, education, and S&T.
Research & Development Challenges 1.Data Access Science is global and needs to be studied and understood globally. 2.Classification/Taxonomy/Ontology Alignment 3.Standard Tools and Workflows 4.Regular Update of Standard Science Maps
Katy Börner Victor H. Yngve Professor of Victor H. Yngve Information Science at the School of Library and Information Science, Adjunct Professor at the School of Informatics and Computing, Adjunct Professor at the Department of Statistics in the College of Arts and Sciences, Core Faculty of Cognitive Science, Leader of the Information Visualization Lab, and Founding Director of the Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center at Indiana University in Bloomington, IN and Visiting Professor at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) in The Netherlands. She is a curator of the international Places & Spaces: Mapping Science exhibit.School of Library and Information ScienceSchool of Informatics and ComputingDepartment of StatisticsCognitive ScienceInformation Visualization LabCyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center Indiana University Places & Spaces: Mapping Science CNS Facebook: Mapping Science Exhibit Facebook: