Oakfield Primary School ‘Staying Safe’ Project 2012/2013
Our Problem Increased problem with parking and traffic at the beginning and the end of the school day. Children, parents and governors have all raised this as a concern in recent questionnaires. There is an increased concern that an accident will happen at some point.
The facts about road accidents and children Around 5,000 children under the age of 16 die or are seriously injured on Britain’s roads each year Nearly two in three road accidents happen when children are walking or playing The journey to and from school accounts for 20% of child casualties.
Our Solution To form a Staying Safe Group made up of children, staff and governors who will work together to help promote the importance of children being safe on the way to and back from school.
Our first planning meeting. Thursday 6th December 2012
Our aims and our action plan.
Spring Term 2013 Jobs have now been allocated There is a Staying Safe community on our learning platform. Parents have been informed about our plans through the Parents panel and through an article in the school newspaper. Governors have been informed and invited to join the group
Summer Term 2013 Sergeant Maine joined the group. He brought a patrol car into school, talked to the children about legal and illegal parking and joined us giving parents leaflets about safe parking and certificates for walking to school.
Summer Term 2013 2 Governors and 3 parents joined us regularly on a Friday morning to help prepare letters and activity week activities. Staying safe group organised a ‘Staying Safe Activity Week’. The group took an assembly, created leaflets and ran activities at playtime.
The group wrote letters to Parents and Local Councillors asking for their help and support.
Plans for 2014 Sergeant Maine to continue to support the group via the Local Staying Safe Board, the council and by being an active presence in and around school. Current Year 4 children to be invited to join the group as the Year 6 children leave. Group to create a video in the ‘Newsround style’ to show to parents and the council. Continued contact with parents in order to promote safe parking and the benefits of walking to school. Regular articles in the school newspaper. Possible involvement of the Scunthorpe Telegraph.
Our hope is that our parents and carers will listen to the children's voice and begin to understand how important it is to park and drive carefully in order to keep all of the children at Oakfield safe.