K ENOSHA C OUNTY E NERGY T EAM : Transformational Education at work
CONTENT RELATIONSHIP Scholarship of Discovery, Integration, Application of Knowledge low high Information Facilitation Transformational Education Content Transmission high PROCESS Adapted from Merrill Ewart Model, Process and Content
T RANSFORMATIONAL E DUCATION 6 Elements: 1. Complex Concerns/Issues 2. Communities of Interest/Location/Issue/Diversity 3. Capacity Building of Members of Community of Interest 4. Experimentation/Examination 5. Evaluation 6. Success
Q UOTES FROM THE FIELD “Team members are now specifically looking for opportunities to save energy—to cut costs, to benefit the county.” Now people are thinking: Rather than ‘something went wrong, we gotta fix it’ … instead now we stop and think— is there a better approach, should we think about this differently? The data point out inefficiencies so we can correct them… Assistance from external partners has been invaluable— we could not have done it without them… Our facilities staff is excellent but we didn’t have access to the tools before…
T EAM M EMBERSHIP Finance Public Works/Facilities Executive’s Office UW-Extension Utility Focus on Energy Private Contractors (electrical engineers) State Energy Office
G OALS 1. Budget allocation(s): Execute projects 2. Building performance: Manage assets 3. Maximize incentives: Receive rebates 4. Technical capacity: Build skills and know-how
A PPROACHES 1. Morale: Balance plans with accomplishment 2. Learning Environments: Create ‘safe space’ 3. Relationships: Build and sustain trust 4. Capacity-Building Over Time: We establish short-term goals and find our way step-by-step “...one bite of the elephant at a time!”
F ACILITATOR R OLE 1. Drives consensus around priorities 2. Holds others accountable 3. Works across ‘silos’ 4. Connects resources to needs 5. Engages assistance from partners with technical capacity 6. Ensure data/information is paired with analytic skills and interpersonal skills
C ONTENT 1. Energy usage data (kWh) 2. Asset management 3. Lighting/HVAC/infrastructure systems 4. Electrical distribution diagrams 5. Focus on Energy incentive Information 6. Efficiency recommendations
A CCOMPLISHMENTS : 1. Team-Building, Network Development 2. Data Entry/Use/Maintenance into Portfolio Manager; Benchmarking Energy Use 3. Level II Energy Assessments/Audits; Implementing Recommendations 4. Development of Grant Funding Opportunities
Q UOTES FROM THE FIELD County Board of Supervisors and County Executive have been very supportive; encouraging us to do more of this work… Several people are looking at rebates and incentives from Focus on Energy—before it was just one guy, now it’s a team effort …Specialized knowledge helps us make better decisions… Assistance from eternal partners has been invaluable—we could not have done it without them. This would have never happened without them!
CONTENT RELATIONSHIP Scholarship of Discovery, Integration, Application of Knowledge low high Information Facilitation Transformational Education Content Transmission high PROCESS Adapted from Merrill Ewart Model, Process and Content Complex Issue Community of Interest Capacity building Experimentation Evaluation Success
T RANSFORMATIONAL E DUCATION 6 Elements: 1. Complex Concerns/Issues 2. Communities of Interest/Location/Issue/Diversity 3. Capacity Building of Members of Community of Interest 4. Experimentation/Examination 5. Evaluation 6. Success