Kızıldere Secondary school is located in Kızıldere Village in Nazilli/ Aydın. It is 20 km away from city centre. Kızıldere Secondary School and Kızıldere Primary School have got 210 students. There are 16 teachers at the school.
Kızıldere is a central village so most of the students of our school are transported from different villages with the school services.
The lessons start at in the morning and finish at in the afternoon. We have a lunch break between and The students transported from different villages have the opportunity to have lunch at the school canteen.
The school building consists of 3 floors and 12 classrooms.
There are classrooms for each lesson in our school: Mathematic Classroom Science Classroom Turkish Classroom English Classroom Social Studies Information Technology Classroom
This the Sports Material Room The students are having P.E lesson
Some of our students need special education. All the teachers of our school try to do their best to help these students.
ECONOMIC STATUS OF THE STUDENTS: All of the students come from rural areas. Their economic status are low. Most of the families work as farmers. The economy is based on agriculture in the village. It is famous for its olive, chestnut and fig.
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