Presentation by: Dr. Siobhán O’Higgins Presentation Title: Rules of Engagement: What we want to know. Giving young people a voice in sex education curriculum development
Aim To facilitate young Irish people, through the Participative Research Process (PRP), to generate, collate and present their views on effective sex education without adult filtering or censure. The Participative Research Process has power (of children) at its centre
The Participative Research Process is predicated on the ideals of participative research – young people are the experts in their own lives. The PRP allows us insights into “childhood in the present tense” (McAuley & Brattman, 2002).
The process There were 3 phases in the research Phase 1 and 3 were the shoulders on which Phase 2 (the main study) rested.
Phase 1 14 item questionnaire 405 respondents Age range 18 to 30 years (mode = 19) 49% male 89.3% sexually active Age of sexual debut = 17 years 74% practised safer sex the last time 89% attended third level colleges
Phase 1 Factors affecting condom use: information and education alcohol and/or drugs type of partner embarrassment prototypal imagery influence of parents and/or peers negative views about condoms
Phase 2 14 post-primary schools 394 students aged 15-18years (mode =16) 63% female and 37% male 87% under the legal age for sexual intercourse 136 small groups - 53% girls groups, 30% were boys groups, and 17% mixed groups Created 58 ‘Webs’
School Institute Name to go here
Themes in the Webs 1.Condoms skills and contraceptive knowledge 2.Sexual confidence 3.Negative consequences – STIs and pregnancy prevention 4.Information and sex education 5.Outside educators 6.Relationships
Answer all our questions How to have sex successfully Tell us everything - honestly Real life stories School students’ ideas to improve RSE Start at a younger age Facts and figures Let us practice - put condoms on bananas Not delivered by a teacher How do you know if you are in love? Show all the different types of contraception Quizzes Discussions Role plays
Phase 3 What Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) teachers need in order to deliver students’ ideas: more training outside facilitators delivering some of the programme clear direction from the Department of Education and Science about what they are allowed to teach
Flowchart of the research process
Summary Prototypal images Younger students don’t situate sexual activity within the context of relationships. School students produced and presented ideas on how to improve the content and delivery of RSE Value of the PRP as a methodology New tool Teachers’ views
Acknowledgements All the young people who participated in the research, their parents and schools The Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Dr. Saoirse Nic Gabhainn – my supervisor, and Dr. Jane Sixsmith originators of the Participative Research Process (PRP) AIDS West
Siobhán O’Higgins 1 st February 2012