The Whole School Approach This session will examine the importance of the whole school approach when using the SEAL resource “The resource is an explicit, structured whole-curriculum framework for developing the social, emotional and behavioural skills of ALL pupils, not just those whose behaviour or poor social skills cause problems.”
“For maximum effectiveness, it is essential that the whole school community engages with the materials. All classes should be thinking about the same ideas and using a shared language over the same period of time. SEAL needs to be embedded within a whole school approach and environment that supports emotional health and well-being.” The Whole School Approach Whilst it is acknowledged that each school will implement the SEAL resource in a way that is relevant to their own school or setting’s character and circumstances, for the resource to be successful there needs to be a shared understanding that it is the responsibility of the whole-school community to promote and foster social, emotional and behavioural skills and children and young peoples PSHE and Citizenship development.
The Whole School Approach Discussion What is the whole school approach ? In groups, discuss the concept of the “whole school approach” What do we mean when we say the whole school approach? How can we achieve this approach in schools and settings?
The Whole School Approach Why is the whole school approach beneficial? “When using the whole school approach we look at the whole context, not just at individual pupils or at one part of the picture only, and working in a joined –up way so that all parts of the school pull in the same direction. There is very good evidence to underpin this and whole-school approaches have been shown conclusively to be more effective in improving every aspect of school life. Programmes that focus on the curriculum, the environment and the community have shown to be more successful in improving behaviour, learning, attendance and staff effectiveness than those that focus on only one of these aspects” (this evidence is reviewed in Weare and Gray 2003)
The Whole School Approach “Recently, research has focused in particular on the beneficial effects of focusing on social and emotional aspects of learning( within a whole school environment) not just in terms of children having better goal-setting skills, social interactions and conflict resolution skills, but in terms of improved academic performance.” ( Seal Guidance Booklet 2005,research details appendix 4)
The Whole School Approach WHO is whole school? Use the post-its on your tables to record who you think the whole school approach should involve.
The Whole School Approach How have schools established the whole school approach? Lesley Crawford Brierley Hill Primary School Sally Bloomer Rufford Primary School
The Whole School Approach How did you involve all of the staff? Who led on this work? How did you cope with staff changes and continuity? What barriers did you come across?
The Whole School Approach What is there in the SEAL resource to help us with the whole school approach? Use the purple staff training booklets to help to promote the whole school approach Use the family activities booklets to help to promote key messages across your school or setting’s community Lunchtime Marketplace Afternoon workshops
SEAL Primary Training Sessions & Funding We are pleased to be able to offer a further FOUR days supply funding to each of our primary schools. One Day Supply – taken for attending the Conference Three further days supply per school – this can be used for courses/visits to Leading Practice Schools or work in school on SEAL. Supply may be available to Secondary Schools, please call Melissa James on 3777 if you wish to discuss this further Leading SEAL Sessions – Please see attached sheet for more details Health Promoting Schools Network Meetings – Autumn Term 8th October – Dudley and Dudley North 10th October – Brierley Hill 11th October – Halesowen 12th October – Stourbridge Theme: Emotional Health and Well-being and issues and themes connected to SEAL will be presented. Location: Saltwells EDC – 9.00am – 4.00pm Supply: 2 places paid by HPS (therefore not part of the 3 days supply outlined above) To book places, please contact: Rose Schofield – SEAL Training and CPD
Early Years Foundation Stage – PSED Training The roll-out of the Early Years Foundation Stage briefings and additional training will be the main focus from Sept 2007 and through Another focus will PSED training for schools. Please approach the advisors at the conference if you would like further information about this or other training that is available or call on SEAL Primary Leading Practice Schools We have had seven Dudley Schools offer time for Teachers/Headteachers/PHSE Coordinators to visit their schools to see different aspects of SEAL in action over 2006/2007. Many people have already taken up this offer during first cycle of Leading sessions (during November and December 2006) and feedback shows the visits to have been very useful. We hope to continue with this service in 2007/08. See the sheet in your pack for details.