1 Clun Primary School Winners of the Arts and Minds Competition
2 Pupils from year 5 and 6 entered a competition run by the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) called ‘Arts and Minds’ in the Autumn this year. They won several awards!
3 Eleven pupils from Years 5 and 6 had won the prize for the group art project with their design for a wall hanging with the theme of cultural diversity. The wall hanging can now be found proudly displayed in NASUWT head quarters!
4 Ellie and Martha won individual awards for their poems. Martha’s poem was called, ‘I am a nought!’ Ellie’s poem was called, ‘It’s a free world.’
5 The pupils had taken inspiration from the All Wales School Liaison Core Programme Lesson on Diversity called Noughts and Crosses which had been delivered by their own School Community Police Officer, PC Mark Harris.
6. Martha, (left) said, “The lesson from PC Harris taught me that we should all be treated the same…… whatever we are”. Ellie, (right) said it had showed her that, “it doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor you can come to school and not be worried about being bullied because you are different.
7. I am a Nought I am a nought! A nothing! No one really cares anymore. When people see me they shout Unspeakable names at me! I am a nought! A nothing! A nobody! No one really cares any more. My only wish is to be friends with the crosses. My friends the noughts say they are the best! I say, “One day I will be their friend.” They laugh at me but that does not matter. I am a nought! A nothing A nobody But, one day I will be a somebody It’s a free world! We are all free We should be allowed to have our opinions and ideas WE SHOULD Be treated equally But! We’re NOT! Black or White? Culture or Country? Wealth or appearance? Disability or age? Male or Female? I could go on…………. There are so many things you can judge me for. But why don’t you accept me for who I am. The two of us together are just like a panda. I’m Harmless…….. So STOP! Be more Tolerant. Celebrate Diversity We all have our own RIGHT to live life NO MATTER WHAT! We’re allowed to have safety, FREEDOM……..Slaves we will not be. I’d like to put us on a scale. For you to discover that- We’re the same. I have a name for a reason It doesn’t need to be changed. We shouldn’t have to run away to another country. Nobody can change us! We have the right to live in peace and harmony So let‘s STOP NOW!!!!
8 All the pupils said that the competition had been fun and were glad that their teacher, Mrs. Williams, had encouraged them to enter their poems. “ The really exciting part was hearing that we had won and then being allowed to phone our parents to tell them,” said Martha.
9 The winners of the competition went to London to receive their prizes. Everyone had a fantastic time.
10 Clun School works to provide an excellent, well rounded education for all its pupils. The school has worked in partnership with the All Wales School Liaison Core Programme (AWSLCP) for many years and really appreciate the contribution of their School Community Police Officer. Mrs. Williams said, “The lesson provided a kick start for discussion around the topic of diversity. It fits in with Personal and Social Education and Key Stage 2 work at the school.The AWSLCP benefits the pupils in many ways including the development of life skills which prepares them for the future”.