Objectives 1. Children will be supported in an integrated way through the establishment of a Start Right Community Wrap- Around Programme in the target area 2. Children will experience positive family life 3. Children will benefit from High Quality Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) 4. All children in the target area are supported by their families and relevant service providers to prepare for school Inputs Implementation Team Time (including PAUL, Tusla, HSE (PHN), Childcare Committee, MIC) Staff Time Management and Organisational commitment Participation of operational staff from all relevant agencies Working Group Time Staff Time Participation and collaboration of service providers Working Group Time Staff Time Early Years Manager and Staff Time and Active Participation Buy-in and Support from Early Years Management Committees Materials and resources Accredited Training Programmes New Quality Mentors Working Group Time Staff time Active Participation of early years staff, junior infant teachers and principals, parents and children Key Activities & Outputs Develop a clear Community Wrap-around Model and Broker commitment of all partners Implement the Community Wrap-around model of service delivery for all children and families in the target area from ante-natal to three years of age Develop programme of positive parental engagement including establishment of a Parents’ Forum, Parents Room and regular consultation/participation of parents Develop and deliver a tailored plan of parenting supports including engagements with parents, Parenting Programmes, individual and group supports Develop and implement a programme of capacity-building and up skilling that would include both formal and informal supports for early years practitioners Early Years Services in the target area have plans in place for continuous quality improvement Develop a programme that enhances communication and sharing of information and practice from early years settings to junior/senior infants Deliver joint training among early years staff and primary school teachers where appropriate Short Term Outcomes (by 2016) All relevant partners actively participating in the development and delivery of the Community Wrap-around model; Enhanced coordination and collaboration among partners; Greater uptake of child services and supports by children and families (including uptake of immunisations, attendance at developmental checks, attendance at clinical appointments. Increase in voluntary parental engagement in services; Increased access to a range of high quality, appropriate supports, both group and individual, universal and targeted to support them in their parenting role; Increased uptake of parenting supports by parents; Increased use of positive behavioural management strategies Enhanced capacity of early years managers, staff and management committees to recognise and implement quality standards in their settings; Enhanced early years practice; Enhanced qualifications of early years managers and staff; Greater uptake of early years services Increased confidence of children in making key transitions in the early years Greater use of school space to deliver parenting and other programmes Enhanced communication between early years settings and primary schools ncreased confidence of children in making key transitions in the early years Monitoring and evaluation: It is proposed that we will use a Health Economics Model to capture data on each key indicator. This will allow us to capture the added value of the interventions and support the integration of this way of working in to mainstream practice. Regular progress reviews and consultations with all stakeholders will also be held at regular intervals to assess progress and to inform development of the programme. Special attention will be paid to capturing the views and supporting the participation of parents and children through creative methods. Longer Term Outcomes Children and Families have access to integrated services Improved child outcomes in health, social, emotional and behavioural development Community Wrap-around model integrated into business plans of all relevant agencies Enhanced parental confidence both in their capacity as parents and in their ability to seek support when they need it. Early Years Services in the target area achieve Síolta validation Enhanced learning outcomes (including oral language, behavioural competencies, social skills) for children Enhanced consistency in pedagogical approaches across early years, from crèche to pre-school to junior classes in primary school; Enhanced support for children and parents to make more successful transitions to primary school Evidence: e.g. “How are Our Kids?” Experience and Needs of Children and Families in Limerick City with a Particular Emphasis on Limerick’s Regeneration Areas, Census Data, Start Right Evaluation and Case Studies; Information Collected through Scoping and Outreach Vision/Overall Aim of Limerick City CSC Consortium: All children in Limerick City will live in a safe home with loving, nurturing parents/carers who are able to meet their needs; All parents will have access to high-quality, appropriate supports to support them in their parenting; All children will have access to high-quality early years services and high quality school places; All children and their families will experience service provision from statutory, community and voluntary services as integrated, timely, friendly, high quality and appropriate to their needs. The primary aim of this programme will be to improve outcomes for children (ante-natal) to age 6 in the Northside and City Centre of Limerick City.