Energy lets you do things. Another name for energy is? Energy in measured in? Joules (J). There are how many joules (J) in a kilojoule (kJ)? There are many types of energy you need to know about.
Much of the energy around us is stored energy. We notice it only when it changes to other forms. It has the potential to do work, so it is called potential energy.
1. Light 2. Sound 3. Heat 4. Nuclear 5. Electrical 6. Chemical potential 7. Gravitational potential 8. Kinetic 9. Elastic potential
Burning chemicals, very hot objects, and stars all release light energy. Plants use light energy from the sun for photosynthesis. We use light energy for?
Sound is a form of energy caused by vibrating objects. The louder a sound is, the more energy it has.
Heat energy is the type of energy hot objects have. Taking away heat energy makes an object cooler.
Energy stored inside atoms can be released as nuclear energy. Energy released from uranium atoms is used in nuclear power stations. Nuclear energy stored in hydrogen atoms is the source of the sun’s energy.
Electrical energy is widely used because it can be easily transmitted through wires to the place it is needed.
Energy can be stored in chemicals as chemical potential energy. Fuels such as wood or petrol and batteries store chemical energy. Foods also contain chemical potential energy that can be used by our bodies.
The energy something has when it is high up is gravitational potential energy. Slides, roller coasters, bungee jumping and sky diving, all have gravitational potential energy at the top ready to be used.
Any moving object has kinetic energy. As a moving object slows down it loses kinetic energy. Wind, moving cars and you running all have kinetic energy.
Stretching springs, elastic and rubber bands stores elastic potential energy that can be released. Trampolines are good example of using elastic potential energy.
The principle of conservation of energy says that, 1. Energy can never be created or destroyed. 2. Energy can be converted/transformed from one form to another. 3. In an energy change the total amount of energy stays the same.