Stephanie Morrow, Principal Joanna Hand, Asst. Principal (Grades 2 &3) Moranda Eagleton, Asst. Principal (Grades K & 1)
Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C et seq.) is amended to read as follows: TITLE I — IMPROVING THE ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF THE DISADVANTAGED The purpose of Title I under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments. A Title I school has qualified to receive federal funding under this act.
Parent Involvement Activities Parent Liaison Professional Development for classroom teachers Instructional materials for teachers
Additional Staff members lower the student-teacher ratio Parent Involvement Resources
Annie Belle Clark Primary is an identified Schoolwide Title I school. We receive funding from the federal government where we are generally able to offer smaller classes, have additional teachers and paraprofessionals, provide additional training for school staff, provide extra time for instruction, and offer a variety of teaching methods and materials.
In , the Georgia Department of Education applied for a waiver seeking relief from the federal No Child Left Behind Act. As a result, the United States Department of Education agreed to use a new system, the College & Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI), to report the progress of Georgia's public schools. In January 2013 the Georgia Department of Education released the final list of indicators on which schools will receive a CCRPI score. For more information on the CCRPI, please visit the following link: InstructionandAssessment/Accountability/Pages/default.aspx.
Under the ESEA waiver, Annie Belle Clark Primary School is designated as a Title I Focus school. This determination was determined using the following criteria: The three year average of Achievement Gap Scores Lowest 10 % ABC is currently under federal or state requirements to offer a Flexible Learning Program or other tutoring sessions. We are in the process of writing this plan and will notify all parents upon completion.
Based on the school data, the following goals were derived: Kindergarten- Addition and subtraction to 5 fluently 1 st Grade- Addition and Subtraction within 10 fluently 2 nd Grade- Using graphs to answer questions (line plots, drawing/labeling x axis, increments, scale key 3 rd Grade- Addition and subtraction within 1000 Earth Science will also be a focus for all grade levels.
Extended Learning Time (reading and math) Reading Recovery- Selected 1 st grade 21 st Century Learning Early Intervention Program (reading and math) Small group with classroom teacher Flexible Learning Program- TBA
All students are instructed using the Georgia Standards of Excellence and Georgia Performance Standards. Reading- Guided Reading through the Literacy Collaborative Framework Math-Eureka Math- Georgia Standards of Excellence Science- Georgia Performance Standards Social Studies- Georgia Performance Standards
State Assessments –ACCESS for English Language Learners [Expected Level of Performance- Level 6- (Reaching)] Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (GKIDS) – mandated by state (Expected Level of Performance-Meets) _GA Milestones for Grade 3 only (Expected Level of Performance-Proficient Learner) GAA (GA. Alternate Assessment) - Identified Special Needs Students only (Rates students from 1-4, 4 being the highest rating) Local Assessments Observation Survey Formative and Summative Literacy Mid Module/End of Module Eureka Assessments
K, 1 st, and 2 nd grade students will be administered local formative and summative assessments throughout the school year. 3 rd grade students will be administered the Georgia Milestones Test in April 2016.
Notification of Highly Qualified Teacher and Paraprofessional Status (Parent’s right to know) Notification of School Status under ESEA 1% of System Allocation must be reserved for Parent Involvement
At least 1 annual parent conference must be offered Involvement in the revisions of the Parent Policy, Compact, and Schoolwide Plan
District Policy –Found on the District website: School Policy –Found in the student handbook, parent resource room, and also on the website: School-Parent Compact –Revised copies will be provided at parent meeting. Revisions made annually
Annie Belle Clark Primary School is 100% Highly Qualified!!
In compliance with the requirements of the No Child Left Behind statute, the Tift County School System is informing parents that they may request information about the professional qualifications of their child’s teacher(s). The following information may be requested: Certification. College major/graduate certification or degree held by the teacher. Qualifications of the paraprofessional, if paraprofessional services are provided. If you wish to request information concerning your child’s teacher’s qualifications, please contact the principal at
HB 251 is an amendment to Georgia law that provides parents an option to transfer their child into another public school within the same district, as long as there is available classroom space. Each school district in Georgia is tasked with defining available classroom space. The Tift County School District’s plan for compliance with HB 251 was created using the framework provided by the Georgia Department of Education. After careful analysis of the student population for the upcoming year, NO Tift schools have been deemed to have adequate permanent classroom space to accommodate School Choice transfer students for the year. Please visit the Tift County Website for additional information. Click News & Events Click News Click HB251- School Choice
Parent Involvement Activities Parent Liaison Professional Development for classroom teachers Instructional materials for teachers
Volunteers- May require background check –Field Trips –Fundraisers –Media Center –Guest Speakers –Community Outreach
-Parent Engagement Activities -Parent Lunches -Career Day -Classroom visits
School Council Building Better Bulldogs-Parent Forum Parent Involvement Meetings Title I Survey (Fall and Spring) Revisions of: –School-Parent Compact –Parent Policy –Schoolwide Plan Teacher-Parent Conferences
How will Annie Belle Clark be Responsive to Parents? Parents are invited to call the school at any time: Stephanie Morrow, Principal Moranda Eagleton, Assistant Principal (K and 1 st ) –Joanna Hand, Assistant Principal (2 nd and 3rd) –Deirdre Nixon, Guidance Counselor (K and 1 st ) –Melisa Utley, Guidance Counselor (2nd and 3 rd ) Rose Wilhite, Parent Coordinator, All Students
Parents have the right to request opportunities for regular meetings to formulate questions and participate, as appropriate, in decisions about the education of their students. We encourage parents to communicate with teachers and schedule meetings during their planning time.
GKIDS Trend Data ELA Math Approaches P/S Development
All Title I schools have School-Parent Compacts. ABC school compact outlines responsibilities for students, parents and school staff in striving to raise student achievement. Compacts are to be reviewed and signed each year by the family, student, and school representative.
Annie Belle Clark Primary’s parent involvement policy establishes the schools’ specific expectations for parental involvement and describes how the school will implement a number of activities. This policy is required by section 1118 (b) (1) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965.
Mandated funds are set aside for each school. Parents must be involved in the discussions concerning how funds are spent (School Council) Schools must strive to build capacity of parents to help their students achieve at high levels.
It is our responsibility to respond to any suggestions from parents as soon as practicably possible.
We have a table set up in the foyer of the building. Please take a suggestion form and return it to your child’s teacher or place it in the comment box in the foyer before you leave tonight. We appreciate your support and look forward to working with you this school year.