Welcome to Class 2 Teachers: Mr Jones Broad Town C of E Primary School
The start and End of the Day Morning Routine Bell at 8.55, children line up ready for a prompt start at 9am. The school systems are that children must stay out on the playground and should not go into the cloakroom/classroom area unless instructed by a member of staff. No playing on the play structures before or after school. We encourage children to be independent by asking them to put away their own lunch boxes, coats etc and to change their reading book if necessary. Home time 3.15 Please be in the playground ready to collect your child(ren) at 3.15 Children will come out to you once they have been dismissed. If no one is there to collect them, children will wait on the benches, or in Class 1, supervised by a member of staff. Children are expected to take home everything they need, including letters, and sort themselves out independently; please encourage them to do this.
A typical day in class 2… Morning Tasks – Mental maths (99 club),Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check spellings and an enrichment task usually linked to literacy or problem solving Maths-ability groups Assembly-(There will be a number of assemblies throughout the year to which you are most welcome to attend eg SING Up, Class assemblies) Look out for details of these i school newsletters Break Literacy- ability groups Lunch Guided Reading Groups (timetable of activities for other groups) Other subjects (e.g Science, History, P.E, Art, DT, Music, RE, Computing, French, Geography, PSHE, Guided Reading, Handwriting) Presentations (Show and Tell) or if time a story/ poem
Groupings Children will be taught in ability groups for English, Maths, Spelling and Guided Reading. These groupings are often quite flexible and take account of pupils’ ability for the topic being studied. Groups do change throughout the year and children move when they are ready
Rewards and Sanctions Traffic Lights - children start each day on the green - if they do not follow the rules they are moved to the black as a warning. - if they continue to make the wrong choice they are moved to the orange and will miss some playtime. - if they have to move to the red they miss more playtime. Miss Long will be informed and a record kept of this. Rewards - praise and positive comments. - stickers and certificates - pasta in the jar (children have to fill the jar to earn a class reward)
Homework Homework is usually given out on Friday and is expected to be returned the next Wednesday. However, there will be some more open ended (longer) tasks set. Please encourage your children to take time and care over the presentation of their work If your child has any problems completing a homework task please let me know as soon as possible – rather than leave it until the day it is supposed to be in. Homework: Is used to reinforce concepts covered in class or open ended research type tasks You can also help your child by: Recording reading at home (need a minimum of four reads for a week) Practising spellings and times tables
Reading Incentive Reading is the key to understanding and is a great role model for written tasks. You can help by listening to your child read at least four times in a week It is helpful if any reading is recorded in their reading logs and signed by a grown up as this will be checked on a weekly basis. Children are responsible for making sure they hand in their reading record on a Friday morning. It is the school system that children reading at least four times a week earn ‘golden time’ on a Friday. School council will discuss whether there will also be another reward to encourage reading this term. If they do not read a minimum of four times in a week, they are expected to use this time to catch up on their reading.
Targets TARGETS - allows us to focus on an area that we feel needs improvement. In Literacy- Children will be given 3 Big Write Targets, at least one of which this term will focus on punctuation. When a child has demonstrated that they have achieved this target 3 times, they will be given a target achieved certificate in assembly. Separate badges will also be awarded for punctuation as this is a whole school focus this term. MATHS- This term we will be focusing on place value and written calculation methods. MARKING- Children are encouraged to respond to and address any teacher comments in their books as these too offer an additional tier of assessment ASSESSMENT- Children are assessed on an ongoing basis informally and formally at least three times a year through progress meetings between the head teacher and teacher. Parents are also sent a mid year and final year report indicating progress and next steps.
General Reminders Please check that all uniform is named. PE-all children must have a fully named PE kit in school everyday.(Timetabled PE Weds/Thurs) There must be no jewellery worn during PE. If you wish your child to continue to wear earrings during these sessions, written permission must be given accepting responsibility if an accident occurs. Information comes home with your eldest child in the form of a letter. If they are away the letter will be put in their drawer. Book bags and reading logs should come to school everyday. Water helps children to stay hydrated during the day, please make sure children have named water bottles and they are washed regularly. Please encourage children to bring a healthy variety of foods for break and lunch!
Your can help your child by Listening to your child read Recording any reading in their reading records as these are checked weekly Taking an active interest in their school work/school day Helping your child to practise key skills such as times tables, handwriting, spelling Helping your child to take pride in their work and homework-Sharing any concerns as they arise Helping the school to celebrate your child’s achievements outside of school We want to maintain a valuable, working partnership between home and school