PDHPE in Primary Schools
Why is teaching Personal Development and Health important in primary schools Teaching personal development and health is important in primary schools as it provides a foundation of knowledge concerning a healthy and safe lifestyle. It helps students to recognise values and responsibilities in order to make positive decisions regarding drug use and negative social influence etc. PDH (1)
Why is teaching Personal Development and Health important in primary schools Teaching personal development demonstrates to students that positive relationships with other peers are essential for wellbeing and enhances their relationships with both family and friends, allowing students to not only be aware of who they are but also create a sense of awareness that there are other students of different cultures that need to be treated with the same respect. Regarding the topic of health, the importance of teaching healthy eating choices promotes students to strive for a healthy future. PDH (2)
Why is teaching Physical Education important in primary schools The importance of teaching PE is just as significant as it encourages students to get involved in physical activity to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Teaching PE in primary school should be taught with a positive attitude in a safe environment, demonstrating to students that physical activity not only allows us to be healthy but it can be just as enjoyable. PE (1)
Why is teaching Physical Education important in primary schools A positive PE experience in primary school establishes a positive attitude for the future and helps establish good sportsmanship allowing students to think as a team rather than individual. PE (2)