There are 15 Recommendations. The following points are notable. Each school has its own situation but ideally there will be a Priest Chaplain and a supporting team. The team has a responsibility to offer relevant support to the school staff and pupils in the given context. Pupils should be invited to contribute to and benefit from the work done by the Chaplaincy Team. The Chaplaincy team should know what it is about and, with the SMT of the school, have a clear understanding of its role within the school and its areas of responsibility. There should be a named member of the SMT with responsibility for Chaplaincy services. Chaplaincy services should have a place in the school development plan each year.
The Chaplaincy team works within a Deanery and should work with the Deanery/local parishes to consider how schools and parishes can support each other. A Chaplaincy Team will benefit from having a manageable core Team with a variety of gifts and talents, experience and expertise, enthusiasm and commitment. There should also be extended involvement from as wide a variety of pupils/staff as possible.
It is important that there is training for the Team members and ongoing reflection and renewal. This training can be provided in school, at Deanery, Diocesan or National level. This is particularly important for Priest Chaplains/named Lay Chaplaincy coordinators. This should include pre-service training, in-service training and ongoing support as required by team development. Each school should have an annual calendar and this should be incorporated into the school planning process.
School Community Spirituality Liturgy Social Formation Pastoral
Spirituality Retreat Daily Life Spiritual Direction Discernment Prayer Pilgrimage
Liturgy Taize Prayer Mass Rosary Stations Divine Office Reflection and Meditation
Social Events for Chaplaincy Team Events for Pupils Links to Gillis Events for staff Links to Parishes/Deanery
Pastoral Pro-Life Companionship Counselling Social Action/Justice and Peace
Formation Catechesis Courses Talk/Debates Church Documents Reading
Local Community Prayer Groups SCIAF Parishes Justice and Peace SVDP ????????????
3.5 Making contact and getting to know pupils Being available to counsel pupils and staff (with training) Assisting in the RE department by meeting pupils for discussion, prayer and instruction. Helping prepare and celebrate liturgies throughout the year.(masses, assemblies, services etc.) Organizing spiritual experiences/retreats for pupils and staff Encouraging and taking part in other appropriate activities e.g. vigils, retreats, prayer groups, pro-life groups, charities etc. Meeting with pupils in their extracurricular activities Visiting P7 as part of their induction process Being an example of holiness. In fact being all things to all people.
Who are we and where are we in August 2013?
Our Vision Aims Challenges Hopes Dreams Bhags
1. Do we have an organized core team? 2. What are our aims? Long Term and short term? 3. Do we have a timeline for the future (Bhags) and this session (Calendar of meetings and activities)? 4. Is our team committed to spreading the Good News and to our community?
Spend time together Plan Pray Discern Play to your strengths Listen to the young people and the staff Be inclusive Invite others Learn new skills Know what you are doing