ADMISSIONS RENEWAL How Will It Impact Our Students? TM
As a result of this review, NBCC has fully implemented a true First Qualified, First Accepted approach. BACKGROUND In 2014, NBCC conducted a comprehensive review of its admissions policies. The College was challenged with long waitlists in some programs and the movement of applicants on waitlists based on submitted marks. NBCC will no longer rank applicants based upon submitted marks in programs that are oversubscribed. Those applicants who are waitlisted will maintain their positions on the waitlists until seats become available.
Fairness Predictability Accessibility
ADMISSIONS: CURRENT STATE Date Stamped Approach Demand > Capacity : Ranking Occurs Mature Student Ranking Waitlist Fluctuation Re-Application
ADMISSIONS: 2016 AND BEYOND Those qualified applicants who apply first will be admitted first. Applications will no longer be ranked based on marks. Waitlisted applicants will maintain their position until seats become available. Rolling Waitlists. Deferred Applications. Mature Student Accessibility.
ADMISSIONS: 2016 AND BEYOND Grade 11 students will be eligible to apply Special Admissions (January 1 Deadline) Fees ($50)
What will these changes mean for prospective NBCC students? Waitlisted applicants will no longer move up and down a waitlist based on marks. Waitlisted applicants will no longer need to reapply each year. Beginning in fall 2015, waitlists will roll over and waitlisted applicants will retain their position until seats become available. Waitlisted applicants who receive an offer of acceptance less than four weeks prior to the start of the program will have a one-time option to defer their application. This means they keep their original time stamp and their application is carried forward to the next academic year for the same program/location. What will these changes mean for prospective NBCC students? ADMISSIONS: 2016 AND BEYOND New applications will be processed on a continuous basis for the next available program intake using the date and time stamped approach. As well, beginning in June 2015, early applications for Grade 11 students may be submitted.
Questions & Answers Q: How are applications processed through First Qualified, First Accepted? A: Completed application packages must be received in order to identify the time-stamp. Applicants meeting admissions criteria will be accepted in the order in which they apply. Applicants who are waitlisted will move up the list as seats become available. We will no longer rank applicants based upon submitted grades in high-demand programs.
Questions & Answers Q: When can I start applying? A: New applications will be processed on a continuous basis for the next available program. Applicants will have one chance to defer their application if they’re accepted within four weeks of the program start. We will begin processing applications from Grade 11 students on June 1 to receive an early timestamp. We will not accept any applications before this date.
Questions & Answers Q: When can I start applying for programs only starting in 2016? A: For programs only starting in September 2016 (example: Practical Nurse in Moncton), Grade 11 students and non high school applicants will be permitted to apply as of June 1, 2015.
Questions & Answers Q: What happens if a stack of applications come in at once? A: Time stamp is based on the last piece of information in the application package received. If a final piece of information comes in simultaneously on multiple applications, they all receive the same time stamp and they are sorted randomly.
Questions & Answers Q: I applied after First Qualified, First Accepted took effect and am currently on a wait list. I would like to apply to a different program. Do I lose my time stamp if I change program options? A: Yes, change of program choice results in a new time stamp.
Questions & Answers Q: Can I still apply to two programs each year? A: Yes, applicants can apply to two programs. If you are waitlisted for your first program of choice, you can still be accepted into your second program of choice. If you are accepted into your first program of choice, then you are removed from your second program of choice.
Questions & Answers Q: If I apply to a program that starts in January and I don’t get in, do I get waitlisted for the next September or January? A: Applicants will be automatically waitlisted for the next academic year for the same program/location. For example, if you applied to and were waitlisted for the Practical Nurse program in January 2016 at NBCC St. Andrews campus, your wait list position will automatically roll over to the following program in January 2017 at NBCC St. Andrews campus.
Questions & Answers Q: How long will it take to get into oversubscribed programs? A: This will depend on how many students accept and withdraw from programs, along with how many people remain on the wait lists. We will have this information once we’ve gone through a few admission cycles with the First Qualified, First Accepted admissions process. To find out how many people are on a wait list, contact College Admissions Service, NBCC.
Questions & Answers Q: What happens if an admission profile changes from one year to the next? A: If admission criteria change from one year to the next, applicants who are waitlisted will need to meet the new requirements respectively; however, we will provide opportunity for applicants to acquire these new requirements by retaining their time stamp. We will require proof of enrolment within 30 days of our notice in order to remain on our lists.
Questions & Answers Q: Are there any Special Admissions timelines? A: The deadline to apply for Special Admission seats is January 1. (e.g. January 1, 2015 for September 2015 start).
Questions & Answers Q: Does this new First Qualified, First Accepted admissions process apply to applicants interested in contract training, continuing education, or part-time? A: At this time First Qualified, First Accepted will only apply to applications to our regular programming. The guiding principle applies to all areas related to admissions however the process may differ based on the requirements in the individual contract.