SOCAT Surface Ocean CO 2 ATlas Are Olsen 1, Benjamin Pfeil 1, Dorothee Bakker 2, Maria Hood 3, Nicolas Metzl 4, Christopher Sabine 5, Alex Kozyr Bjerknes Centre & UGOT, 2 Univ. East Anglia, 3 IOCCP, 4 LOCEAN, 5 PMEL, 6 CDIAC
SOCAT GOAL Prepare a open accessible uniform format and quality controlled global surface ocean CO 2 data base Two products: 1.A 2 nd level quality controlled global surface ocean fCO 2 data set 2.a gridded SOCAT product of monthly surface water fCO 2 means, on a 1 o x1 o grid with no temporal or spatial interpolation – i.e. bin averages.
SOCAT History SOLAS CARBOOCEAN SOCOVV Pfeil and Olsen continues SOLAS/IMBER CARBON group meeting at ICDC7 3 WGs appointed, WG1: Metzl, “..organise avaliability of present and future data in a single center.” SOCAT ORFIOS 2001 Bakker & Dittert starts putting all available pCO 2 data together in a uniform format
SOCAT History SOLAS ORFIOSCARBOOCEAN SOCOVV 2001 Bakker & Dittert starts putting all available pCO 2 data together in a uniform format Pfeil and Olsen continues SOLAS/IMBER CARBON group meeting at ICDC7 3 WGs appointed, WG1: Metzl, “..organise avaliability of present and future data in a single center.” SOCAT We are here
SOCAT ORGANISATION Global Focal Point Bakker (Chair), Metzl, Olsen, Pfeil, Sabine Regional Groups PACIFIC Feely Nojiri ATLANTIC Schuster Lefevre INDIAN Sarma COASTAL Borges Chen SOUTHERN Tilbrook Metzl
SOCAT ORGANISATION Global Focal Point Bakker (Chair), Metzl, Olsen, Pfeil, Sabine Regional Groups PACIFIC Feely Nojiri ATLANTIC Schuster Lefevre INDIAN Sarma COASTAL Borges Chen SOUTHERN Tilbrook Metzl Whip-in Hood
SOCAT ORGANISATION Global Focal Point Bakker (Chair), Metzl, Olsen, Pfeil, Sabine Regional Groups PACIFIC Feely Nojiri ATLANTIC Schuster Lefevre INDIAN Sarma COASTAL Borges Chen SOUTHERN Tilbrook Metzl Whip-in Hood Live Access Server Hankin,Malczyk
SOCAT contains all publically available data + data contributed under the explicit condition that they will not be released untill September 2009 – Jena ICDC 8 conference Data have been downloaded from webpages, e.g. CDIAC and submitted after request 44% US and Canada 36% Europe 18% Japan 1.5% Australia Most PIs have been very willing to share their data, this is very appreciated. Rik W largest contributor, 450 cruises, 21.5%. SOCAT DATA
Growth of SOCAT SOCAT contains almost 10e6 data points, almost 7e6 with surface CO 2, divided over 2000 cruises. Agree on Sept 2009 embargo + Maria request PIs to submit data
Growth of SOCAT Status April 2007
Growth of SOCAT Status June 2008
Growth of SOCAT Status Sept 2008
Count Spatial Distribution
Temporal Distribution
SOFAR in SOCAT We have learnt how to work with 2000 cruise data files File formats have been uniformed EXPOCODES have been assigned (ship code + sailing date) Metadata have been collected and organised ETOPO2 bottom depths, NCEP/NCAR atm. pressures and WOA salinities have been added to each data point fCO 2 has been computed/recomputed from 13 different reported surface CO 2 parameters using a single set of equations Fully transparent process, every step can be checked, no data have been lost
To Come in SOCAT Data will be reviewed and QC’d by regional groups Each cruise will be assigned a “Wanninkhof Flag”, WF (A) A good cruise -followed approved methods/SoP criteria -metadata documentation complete -2ndary QC preformed and deemed acceptable (B)An acceptable cruise -followed approved methods/SoP criteria -metadata documentation complete -no 2ndary QC could be preformed because data were obtained in a region or time where no other data were available for comparison (C)An acceptable cruise -did not follow approved methods/SoP criteria -metadata documentation complete -2ndary QC preformed and deemed acceptable (D)Undocumented data -inadequate information about methods/procedures -metadata documentation incomplete (F for failure) Failed QC checks (do not show in dataset) (N) Not yet QC’d
SOCAT Quality Checks Comparison of cruises: Comparison through MLR Crossover checks Other: Compare atmospheric xCO 2 data with GLOBALVIEW Evaluate key variables ( T) Calculate ship speed- geography Evaluate temperature normalised fCO 2 USE Live Access Server (LAS) at PMEL for data access and QC Trace each change using SUBVERSION – Pfeil Friday Reviewed at the SOCAT 2 nd technical meeting, Paris June this year, report available at IOCCP home pages
Time Table 2007 Initiated at SOCOVV 2008 Follow up technical meeting 2009 September, present at ICDC 8 Jena Jan 2009, Coastal Group meets in Kiel March 2009, Pacific/Indian/Southern Ocean groups meets in Tsukuba May/June 2009, Atlantic group meeting
SUMMARY SOCAT appears to become a VERY comprehensive surface ocean fCO 2 database It is also a very comprehensive surface T&S database People have been very generous with their data Contains almost 7e6 surface ocean fCO 2 observations The data will be expert reviewed and each cruise will carry a quality flag All steps are transparent and traceable 1 st version planned release, Sept Plans are to regularly update SOCAT in the future, how to practically organise this is not yet entirely clear.