Oct. 3-5, 2000IICWG-II1 International Ice Charting Working Group Sponsored by: U.S. National Ice Center Office of Naval Research Europe Icelandic Meteorological Office Canadian Ice Service
IICWG International Ice Charting Working Group WMO Sub-Group on Sea Ice formal international co-ordinating body between Met. Agencies international standards projects: e.g. Global Digital Sea Ice Data Bank Project ad-hoc working group on operational issues areas of interest - common technology - data exchange - analyst training - operational data access - applied R + D complementary to WMO-SGSI activities: - liaison and coordination - collaborative R + D informal working group of Canadian ice specialists to promote linkages: 1. gov’t - industry - university 2. multiple disciplines in ice: - remote sensing - climate science - operations - modelling - ice mechanics - offshore engineering actvities: - thematic workshops, every months
Oct. 3-5, 2000IICWG-II3 IICWG II Goals and Objectives Extend model of operational cooperation and coordination of JIWG to other operational ice charting centers From IICWG-1 the following key areas were identified: - common technology - data exchange - analyst training - operational data access - coordinated R + D - leverage funding/science opportunites through multi-agency participation
Oct. 3-5, 2000IICWG-II4 IICWG II Goals and Objectives Report on key action items from IICWG-I –Information and idea exchange on existing research and projects –Harmonize ice charting formats to enable the exchange of operational ice products –Attempt to influence data policies of flight agencies to better meet the requirements of the operational ice services Development of collaborative action plan for current issues Solidification of IICWG as effective, beneficial working group
Oct. 3-5, 2000IICWG-II Accomplishments Support for Danish cruise in Greenland Sea; QuikScat validation IIP iceberg warnings now more reliably available to Europeans Healy cruise coordination ARKTOS collaboration Possible IMS toolkit development Information exchange via Website Letter to WMO/IHO - ice information in Electronic Navigation Charts Operational chart exchange between DMI/NIC Joint validation of EUMETSAT SAF products
IICWG- II October 5-7, 1999 Danish Meteorological Institute Copenhagen, Denmark October 3-5, 2000 Icelandic Meteorological Institute Reykjavik
Oct. 3-5, 2000IICWG-II7 Verið velkomin á Reykjavik!