Method used by the writer to develop character. Characterization Method used by the writer to develop character.
Characterization 1) Showing the character’s ____________________ Characters are revealed in several ways: 1) Showing the character’s ____________________ 2) Displaying the character’s ____________________
Characterization (cont.) 3) Revealing the character’s __________________ 4) Letting the character ________ 5) Getting the __________________
Protagonist One character that is clearly _____________ to the story with all major events having some importance to the character.
The __________ of the main character Antagonist The __________ of the main character
(resemble real people) Characters Characters are convincing if they are: ______________ (resemble real people)
Dynamic Character Many sided personalities that ____________, for better or worse, by the end of the story
Static Character A character who ______________ develop or change throughout the story Have one or two characteristics that do not change “stereotype” (ex:cruel stepmother)
Major Characters Display ____________character traits _______________ and ____________ (dynamic) Display ____________character traits ____________ throughout the plot “Protagonist”
Minor Characters Can be summarized by a single statement or phrase __________-dimensional characters Can be summarized by a single statement or phrase ___________character traits (static)
Plot Chain of _________ events that take place in a story Writer’s __________ for what happens, when it happens, and to whom it happens
Plot The events of a plot progress because of a __________, or struggle between opposing forces.
Elements of Plot Rising Action Climax Falling Action Exposition Resolution
Exposition Lays the groundwork for the plot and provides essential _______________ information _______________ are introduced, setting is described, and plot begins to unfold
Rising Action As story progresses, _______________ usually arise Causes difficulties for main characters and making conflict more difficult to resolve ______________ builds
Climax Moment when interest and intensity reach their peak ________________ of the action Moment when interest and intensity reach their peak
Climax Involves an important event, decision, or discovery that affects the _________________.
Falling Action Consists of the events that occur ____________ the climax Usually the conflict is resolved and the intensity of the action ___________.
Falling Action Denouement (French word) that means “untying” Tangles of the plot are untied and mysteries are ___________.
Conclusion, tying all the __________________. Resolution Conclusion, tying all the __________________.
Two Meanings To make up or invent To make by shaping
Fiction A narrative that springs from the ________________________, though it may be based on _______________ and __________________.
Purpose The writer shapes his or her narrative to capture the reader’s interest and to achieve desired effects.
Types of Fiction _____________
Novels _________________ length (usually takes several days or even weeks to read _______________ plot that unfolds through the actions, speech, and thoughts of characters
Short Stories ____________ work of fiction that can be read at one sitting Generally, it develops ______ primary conflict and produces a __________ effect
Novels and Short Stories ____________ ___________
Nonfiction Writing about _________ people, places, and events. Largely concerned with ________ information Writer shapes the information according to his or her ____________ and ______________.
Examples of Nonfiction Newspaper articles Cookbooks Letters Movie Reviews Editorials Speeches True-life adventure stories
Autobiography Written by subject (author) ______________ ______________ point of view Covers lengthy period of subject’s life
Autobiography Focuses on the most ____________ events and people in his or her life Usually book length because it covers a long span of years
Autobiography Shorter types of autobiographical narratives include: Journals Diaries Letters (Originate as private writing)
Autobiographical Essay Focus on single persons or events in the author’s lives Nicholas Gage’s “The Teacher Who Changed My Life”
An account of a person’s life, written by _________ person. Biography An account of a person’s life, written by _________ person.
Biography Writer of a biography often ________________ his or her subjects in order to present accurate information. Draw upon ___________ ______________ of his or her subject
Biography Usually book length but there are also shorter forms of biographical writing.
Point of View
The _____________ point from which a story is told. Point of View The _____________ point from which a story is told.
First Person Narrator is a character in the work who tells the story in his or her _______ words as he or she ___________ it.
First Person The reader sees only into the _____________ mind Uses first-person pronouns: ____, ____, and _____
Second Person Often used to give _____ or ____________ Uses the pronoun ______ to address the reader
Third Person Creates sense of ____________ and _______________ Narrator has access to ______ the characters’ thoughts and actions Uses pronouns: _____, _____, _____, _______
3rd Limited POV Narrator stands _________ the action and focuses on ________ character’s actions, thoughts, observations, and feelings.
3rd Limited POV The reader sees only into that character’s mind Uses pronouns:he, she, they
3rd Omniscient The narrator is an ________________, ____________observer who stands outside the action and reports what ___________ characters are doing, thinking, and feeling.
3rd Omniscient The reader sees into _____________ characters’ minds Uses pronouns: he, she, they
Mood and Tone
Mood The _________, or ____________, that a writer creates for the reader. The feeling you get when you read the book.
Mood It can create a feeling of happiness, or it can make you feel sad or worried. ___________, ___________, ________________, _______, and __________ all contribute to the mood of a work of literature.
The ____________ a writer takes toward his or her subject. Tone The ____________ a writer takes toward his or her subject.
Tone Serious, ironic, humorous, bitter A writer’s word choice, choice of details, and direct statements of his or her position about a subject help to create the tone. Serious, ironic, humorous, bitter
Differences ___________: intended to shape the reader’s emotional response to a work ___________: reflects the feelings of the writer
Mood or Tone? Jane opened the door. As she walked downstairs, she noticed that a few things were missing. As she continued downstairs, she heard noises coming from around the corner. She felt her spine tingle.
Mood or Tone? Cheating is unacceptable. If a student is caught cheating, then the student will receive a zero on the assignment or quiz. Students should rely on their own minds rather than those around them.