SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 1 SISMER SISMER Systèmes d’Informations Scientifiques pour la Mer French NODC Contribution to IODE and New Perspectives in the frame of the Operational Oceanography presented by Catherine MAILLARD JODC Meeting, Hydrographic Department of Japan, Tokyo March 2000
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 2 Summary of the presentation l Context and History l National Oceanographic Data Bank l Projects l Quality Assurance l New developments for Real Time Data Management l Human Support and Facilities l Conclusion, Perspectives, New Challenges for Data Management in France and in Europe
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 3 IFREMER âIFREMER (the French Institute of Research and Exploitation of the Sea), a public institute of industrial and commercial nature, created by a decree of 5 June 1984, is the only French body with an exclusively maritime vocation. âIt is placed under the joint authority of the Ministries of Research and Technology, of Fisheries and Equipment and Transport. âAnnual budget : one billion French Francs, â1700 executives, researchers, engineers, seamen, technicians and administrative staff, â72 laboratories and research departments, located in 24 stations and centres along the metropolitan coast and overseas, â 7 vessels, 2 manned submersibles, equipped with scientific instruments.
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 4 History of the Data Centre SISMER (Systèmes d'Informations Scientifiques pour la Mer) was created in 1990, and since 1997 belongs to the Informatics and Marine Data Department (IDT) of IFREMER, the main French government research agency devoted to ocean research and exploitation. SISMER is the Designated National Oceanographic Data Centre for France (French NODC) for the International Oceanographic Data Exchange programme (IODE) of UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, following the former Bureau National des Données Océaniques (BNDO). This national data banking activity dates from 1968, and covers the fields of marine physics, chemical, underway geophysics and general information on French oceanographic cruises and data sets. SISMER contributes to data management structures of several national and international scientific projects, especially in the frame of the European MAST programme.
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 5 IFREMER IDM Department and Facilities Brest Services –RIC : network, archiving system and centralised facilities –ISIB : information system engineering in Brest –SISMER : data centre –COM : Oceano-meteo services Centralised Facilities in Brest –Brest centre mainframe - RDBS & WWW servers –Central archiving backup system –Network Administration –RDBS + GIS Software Administration Distributed Facilies –SUN UNIX Work stations –DOS personal computers + Office software –Software : MATLAB, Expert QC software, Loading/Extracting Data –CDROM engraving
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 6 MISSIONS to design and operate scientific information systems and databases in the domain of the sea; sets the standards of quality to be respected for data storage; maintains an inventory of information systems and databases, the responsible scientists and rules for their availability; represents IFREMER within national and international authorities concerned with the management of sea data; provides training and transfer of knowledge within its field of competence.
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 7 National Oceanographic Data Bank âCatalogues -Meta-databases ©French Oceanographic Cruise Summary Reports - ROSCOP (>4700 cruises) ©Marine Data Sets Inventory - MEDI/EDMED âNational Geophysical Data Bank âNational Physical and Chemical Data Bank âReal Time Data Management - Operational Oceanography âReference Data - Data Products from other data centres
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 8 Projects Catalogues - Meta-Databases –MAST-EURONODIM - European cooperative network for oceanographic data & information management Related with the Geophysical Data Bank –DORSALES Related with the Physical and Chemical Database –MAST-MEDAR/MEDATLAS II –MAST-MTP II/MATER –MAST-OCTOPUS - Tomographie Acoustique –MAST-ROBLINKS - Propagation Acoustique Related with the (Pre-)Operational Oceanography –TOGA/WOCE/CLIVAR –MAST-MFSPP- Mediterranean Forecasting System –MAREL –CORIOLIS
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 11 National Geophysical Data Bank l Vertical Bathymetry : 353 Cruises l Multibeam Bathymetry : 278 Cruises l Gravity : 213 Cruises l Magnetism : 256 Cruises l imagery : 64 Cruises Related Project : DORSALES-RIDGE
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 13 National Physical and Chemical Data Bank l CTD l Bottle Casts l Current Meter Time Series 1853 l Thermistor Chain Time Series 126 Related Projects : MEDAR/MEDATLAS, MATER, OCTOPUS, ROBLINKS
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 14 MTPII-MATER MAss Transfer and Ecosystem Response (MAS3-CT ) 3 Regional Data Centres and an Animation Task 105 Oceanographic Cruises 126 Moorings
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 15 MAST- MEDAR/MEDATLASII Mediterranean Data Archaeology and Rescue of Temperature, Salinity and Bio-chemical Parameters IFREMER/SISMER Brest, France IEO Madrid, Spain UL/GHER Liège, Belgium ICES Copenhaguen, Dk INRH/DOTM Casablanca, Morocco ISMAL Alger, Algeria NCMR/HNODC Athens, Hellas TN/DNHO Istanbul, Turkey NIMH Sofia, Bulgaria IOC Paris, France UM-PO Msida, Malta RIHMI-WDC Obninsk, Russia MHI/MIST Sevastopol, Ukraine NIOF/ENODC Alexandria, Egypt FD-MANRE/CyNODC Nicosia, Cyprus NCSR-NCMS Batroun, Lebanon IOLR Haifa, Israel ENEA La Spezia, Italy OGS Trieste, Italy CNR/IMGA Bologne, Italy Collaborations and Scientific Advisers : GODAR Project - WDC-A, NODC-Croatia, DNA Tunisia, DNA Georgia EUROGOOS, MEDGOOS, IODE Network
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 16 MEDAR/MEDATLAS II OBJECTIVES AND METHODOLOGY 1. to complete the data-void areas in the Eastern and Southern parts of the Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea with new observations, through a wide co- operation of the Mediterranean countries; the core parameters identified as necessary to archive for the ecosystem following up and modelling are : 2. to make available comparable and compatible data sets of temperature, salinity and bio-chemical profiles issuing from different sources, by using a common protocol for formatting and quality checking based on the available preliminary knowledge of the core parameters distribution and the internationally agreed standards; 3. to prepare value added products including climatological gridded statistics and maps that will be useful for the understanding and modelling of the Mediterranean and Black Sea by using efficient and robust objective analysis techniques; 4. to extend the protocol for data qualification to each stage of the data processing; 5. to facilitate the access to the archived data and enhance the data for various scientific, educational, industrial and environmental needs, through electronic publishing on widely disseminated media and promotion.
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 17 Centre International de Données de sub-surface TOGA/WOCE/CLIVAR l profiless of temperature (2000) l Automatic and Visual QC l WWW Interface to access data Related Projects : CORIOLIS, MFSPP
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 18 MFSPP Mediterranean Forecasting Pilot Project (MAS3-CT ) Model predictions with Assimilation of RT in situ data from VOS, from multidisciplinary mooring in Aegean Sea, satellite and meteorological data
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 19 Loading and Extraction Tools –ON LINE Data Extraction –Input interface + dedicated software for automatic file indexation
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 20 Publication Tools Automatic edition of WWW Catalogues from RDBS : htql Paperprint catalogues and Mailing Data products on Cdrom édata selection through several criterions including geographical areas
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 21 Data Dissemination Base TOGA/WOCE/CLIVAR : 50 (8 on line, 42 manual diffusion) Cdrom MEDATLAS : 14 exchanged + 30 sold l Cruise catalogue : about 200 hit /day on WWW
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 23 CORIOLIS provor float cycling launchingreference datereference date + 1 period cycle 0 does not match the period cycle 1cycle 2 cycle period argos
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 24 CORIOLIS data center functions Interopérability with argo data base catalogue - archive gts mail mailing lists web favorite medium control data quality control technical monitoring of equipments collection mail internet gts cd-rom paper... dissemination public / private products graphics and charts statistics analyses cd-rom or other support on request quality insurance for exploitationhardware & software management - backup
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 25 provor profilers
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 26 description of a provor
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 27 display of a provor profile
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 28 provor in pommier area
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 29 provor temperature map
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 30 Reference Data l Gridded Climatologies... ( Levitus, MODB, MEDATLAS, Atlantique T. Reynaud) l Topographic Data (ETOP5, TOPO_2mn, Gravi_2mn, traits de cote, IGN) l Tide Predictions - SHOM l Data products on CDroms & diskettes received at SISMER í Dissemination on Internet or Intranet depending on copyright
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 31 FORMATS Meta-data : RDBS Small-medium size files : autodescriptive ASCII (MEDATLAS) Large volume files : NetCDF Satellite data format
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 32 Quality Assurance QC0 : Check the format and the completeness of the information QC1 : Check the location and date QC2 : Check the data points References - Standards –CIEM-Marine Data Management working Group (CIEM) –UNESCO/COI/IODE : International Oceanographic Data & Information Exchange
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 33 QC1 Control of the location and Date - Data collected in station
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 34 QC1: Control of the location and Date - Time series on fixed mooring
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 35 QC2 - Control of the Data points
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 36 Conclusion 1 Current Objectives of Data Management to insure perennial safeguarding, access and promotion of the national data holdings to make available long time series of coherent and comparable observations of the same type to contribute to a better exploitation of the oceanographic work among scientific, engineering educational and decision maker community to have access to foreign data sets through data exchange to assist the scientists in preparing projects
SISMER 2000 TMSI/IDM/SISMER 37 Conclusion 2 New Needs & Challenges FURTHER NEEDS EXPRESSED BY THE USERS Access to multidisciplinary data, especially biochemical data Archives of large volumes Real time or near RT data Convince the scientists to decrease the time lag between data collection and data submission to data centres - avoid to the data to become archaeological Quality data to get compatibility and comparability within long times series DATA MANAGERS SHOULD IMPROVE THEIR EXPERTISE for automatic data collection, Data Centres should take in charge part of the scientific validation to prepare value added products easy to process by non-specialists NEED FOR INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION to get information on data availability to establish and develop standards - Reference Manuals to share the tasks during international projects