Sophomore Research Project To Kill A Mockingbird Presentation To Kill A Mockingbird Presentation
Your assignment: In preparation for reading To Kill a Mockingbird, we are going to be spending the next two weeks researching aspects of the novel, including geography, history, politics, culture, and the author.
What will you research? You will be assigned a partner. For the next two weeks, you will research an assigned topic. Together, you will present a PowerPoint to the class during Tuesday-Friday (11/10, 11/12, 11/13)
You will research your topic online & in the library I have scheduled time for us to go in to the computer lab and the main Library book room so you will have plenty of time to do your research. Even though you are presenting with your partner, you will need to have separate sources. I have scheduled time for us to go in to the computer lab and the main Library book room so you will have plenty of time to do your research. Even though you are presenting with your partner, you will need to have separate sources.
»When you are finished collecting your research, you will both put the information into a PowerPoint Presentation. »You should save your PowerPoint Presentation on the U drive. If you are unsure as to how to do this, ask your partner, and then ask me to show you how. In addition, save it to your Gmail. Be sure to SAVE!!! »When you are finished collecting your research, you will both put the information into a PowerPoint Presentation. »You should save your PowerPoint Presentation on the U drive. If you are unsure as to how to do this, ask your partner, and then ask me to show you how. In addition, save it to your Gmail. Be sure to SAVE!!!
I will call on you as a group to come and select your research topic. Here are the research topics so you can start thinking about what you would like to do:
Stock Market Crash of 1929 Clothing in the 1920s and 1930s President Franklin Roosevelt President Herbert Hoover The Dust Bowl The History of Alabama Education in 1930s Lindbergh Kidnapping The New Deal Harlem Renaissance Selma, Alabama, Bloody Sunday Sports in 1930s Eugene Bull Connor Stock Market Crash of 1929 Clothing in the 1920s and 1930s President Franklin Roosevelt President Herbert Hoover The Dust Bowl The History of Alabama Education in 1930s Lindbergh Kidnapping The New Deal Harlem Renaissance Selma, Alabama, Bloody Sunday Sports in 1930s Eugene Bull Connor Life Statistics in the 1930s Jim Crow Laws Harper Lee Laurel and Hardy Lynchings Gregory Peck Entertainment in the 1930s Scottsboro Trial Amelia Earhart Ku Klux Klan (including origination) Transportation in 1930s Southern Alabama food Freedom Riders (especially Aniston, AL) The Civil Rights Act of 1964 Life Statistics in the 1930s Jim Crow Laws Harper Lee Laurel and Hardy Lynchings Gregory Peck Entertainment in the 1930s Scottsboro Trial Amelia Earhart Ku Klux Klan (including origination) Transportation in 1930s Southern Alabama food Freedom Riders (especially Aniston, AL) The Civil Rights Act of 1964
PowerPoint Presentation Requirements Introduction slide 5 body slides ( slides that contain information) MLA Works Cited Slide Total of 7 slides Three Transitions Two Graphics Proper Grammar and Information Please note the rubric I pass out to you (it is also in this PowerPoint).
TKAM Background Research Rubric Criteria Points Possible=135 points Peer Grade (10 points) Your partner will give a grade based on working together. Research Notes ( Two Sources Each Student) 20 points Each source is worth 5 points. Make sure you completely fill out the page and use a good source. Each group must have at least one non-web based source. Introduction Slide (4 points) Be sure to include an Introduction slide. This is important for your audience to know what you are talking about. 5 Body Slides (30 points) A large portion of your grade comes from these five slides. Make sure to include quality information. Your slides should look professional and organized. continue on next slide…
MLA Works Cited Page (10 points) Since this is a research project, you HAVE to cite your sources. I will go over the format with you before presentations. Two Graphics (10 points) Graphics are a great way to make your slides more interesting. They are also a great way to include important information and give your audience a better idea of what you are talking about. Three Transitions (6 points) Transitions will make your presentation appear more polished and professional. Proper Grammar and Information (15 minutes) Since this is a research paper, your information should be correct. Your grammar should also be correct. Group Presentation (30 points) Giving oral presentations is an important skill you need to develop for future classes and jobs. You will need to speak clearly and audibly. You must practice so you know what you are doing. Practicing will also help you feel less nervous. Eye contact, Tone, Pacing, Body language Total= 135 points NO LATE PRESENTATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED!!!