The Russian Federation Economy and Politics
Russian Economy Controlled by government directly or through oligarchsControlled by government directly or through oligarchs Commodities marketCommodities market Natural resources include- oil, gas, metals, coal, timberNatural resources include- oil, gas, metals, coal, timber Recession particularly detrimental due to decline in price of commoditiesRecession particularly detrimental due to decline in price of commodities Indicative by RTS stock market index down 54%- 50 stocksIndicative by RTS stock market index down 54%- 50 stocks
Natural Gas Reserves
Foreign business Payless shoes under franchise with AlshayaPayless shoes under franchise with Alshaya Stores to open in coming yearStores to open in coming year Gap/ Banana Republic franchise with SibaGap/ Banana Republic franchise with Siba 15% projected growth rate15% projected growth rate
Recent News AvtoVaz- Russia’s largest carmanufacturer lays off 27% of workforce due to decline in demandAvtoVaz- Russia’s largest carmanufacturer lays off 27% of workforce due to decline in demand Cut workers’ incomes and reduced working weekCut workers’ incomes and reduced working week Owned in part by RenaultOwned in part by Renault
Conflict with Georgia Region of South Ossetia seceded from GeorgiaRegion of South Ossetia seceded from Georgia Russia supported secessionRussia supported secession New leadership in Georgia emphasized unificationNew leadership in Georgia emphasized unification Russian army invades GeorgiaRussian army invades Georgia Medvedev has foreign authority yet appears as though Putin was directing warMedvedev has foreign authority yet appears as though Putin was directing war /09georgia.html?_r=1&pagewanted=2http:// /09georgia.html?_r=1&pagewanted=2
Conflict With Georgia
Current Events Putin vs MedvedevPutin vs Medvedev The Arctic Sea IncidentThe Arctic Sea Incident Missile-Defense SystemMissile-Defense System
Putin vs. Medvedev Medvedev has spent most of career loyal to PutinMedvedev has spent most of career loyal to Putin Obtained office of president through loyaltyObtained office of president through loyalty Continues to follow Putin’s doctrineContinues to follow Putin’s doctrine Putin has essentially declared that he will be running for president in 2012 instead of incumbent MedvedevPutin has essentially declared that he will be running for president in 2012 instead of incumbent Medvedev Medvedev is legally allowed a second termMedvedev is legally allowed a second term
Putin Vs. Medvedev
Arctic Sea Incident MV Arctic Sea – Maltan cargo vessel with a Russian crew that was reported missing in late JulyMV Arctic Sea – Maltan cargo vessel with a Russian crew that was reported missing in late July Boarded by hijackers off the coast of SwedenBoarded by hijackers off the coast of Sweden Was rediscovered August 17 th near the coast of Cape VerdeWas rediscovered August 17 th near the coast of Cape Verde Reason for hijacking unknown, but widely circulated theory holds that Mossad hired Russian gangsters to hijack ship and prevent sale of anti-aircraft and cruise missiles to IranReason for hijacking unknown, but widely circulated theory holds that Mossad hired Russian gangsters to hijack ship and prevent sale of anti-aircraft and cruise missiles to Iran
Arctic Sea Incident
Missile-Defense System Obama canceled plans for missile-defense system in Eastern EuropeObama canceled plans for missile-defense system in Eastern Europe Seen by critics as capitulating to Russian threatsSeen by critics as capitulating to Russian threats Redesigned system would not require land-based defenses until 2015 at leastRedesigned system would not require land-based defenses until 2015 at least Obama administration is careful to emphasize that no deals were made with RussiaObama administration is careful to emphasize that no deals were made with Russia
Missile-Defense System
Fun Fact Vladimir Putin likes to ride horses. Shirtless.Vladimir Putin likes to ride horses. Shirtless.