Web Resources Study Performed by: MAESTRO/CALMAC Evaluation Showcase ● Pacific Energy Center ● July 26-27, 2006 California Lighting and Appliance Saturation Study Presenter: Stacia Okura
MAESTRO/CALMAC Evaluation Showcase ● Pacific Energy Center ● July 26-27, Study Overview CLASS = California Lighting and Appliance Efficiency Saturation Study Baseline of lighting and appliance saturation and efficiencies in the existing residential sector Report finalized in August 2005 Follow-up study to 2000 CLASS Study Primary study objectives 850 onsite surveys of SF, MF, and modular homes in the four IOU service territories Trends between the two CLASS studies and other studies of residential appliances Develop a database of residential building characteristics, lighting and appliance saturations and efficiencies, expanded to represent the population of IOU customers Develop a web based tool for data access
MAESTRO/CALMAC Evaluation Showcase ● Pacific Energy Center ● July 26-27, Data Collected Appliances and Equipment Refrigerator-freezers, self-standing freezers, dishwashers, clothes washers, clothes dryers, water heaters, heating equipment, cooling equipment, and spa/pool equipment Envelope Lighting inventory All lamps, fixture types, and wattages in households by room type Demographic information
MAESTRO/CALMAC Evaluation Showcase ● Pacific Energy Center ● July 26-27, Sample Results CFL Penetration Secondary Refrigerators
MAESTRO/CALMAC Evaluation Showcase ● Pacific Energy Center ● July 26-27, Web-Based Analysis Tool Stacia Okura ext.17