Documenting O. mykiss life histories in the White Salmon River prior to the reintroduction of anadromous fish above Condit Dam. Brady Allen and Patrick.


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Presentation transcript:

Documenting O. mykiss life histories in the White Salmon River prior to the reintroduction of anadromous fish above Condit Dam. Brady Allen and Patrick J. Connolly U.S. Geological Survey-Biological Resources Discipline Western Fisheries Research Center Columbia River Research Laboratory

Big Brother Falls Buck Ck. Falls White Salmon River BZ Falls Falls Trout Lake Creek White Salmon River BZ Falls Falls Husum Falls Rattlesnake Creek Falls Condit Dam Columbia River

Condit Dam Facts Built in 1913 92 acre reservoir 2.4 million cubic yards (1.8 m3) sediment Watershed = 390 square miles Average flow of 1000 cfs Draining will take 6 hrs at 11,000 cfs (~ 100 yr flood event) Highest flow recorded was 45,000 cfs in 1996 Much of the river is in a narrow basalt canyon Once passable for fish it will open 33 miles for steelhead 14 miles for chinook

Overview White Salmon Working Group Focal species Options identified Options recommended Science guided plans

White Salmon Working Group An update of fish salvage and reintroduction plan was necessary Working group was formed and first met in February 2007 Information sharing and identification of reintroduction options Coordination of fish salvage prior to removal Pre and post removal monitoring and evaluation Opportunities to work with partners on fisheries and habitat restoration in the basin In preparation for the restoration of fish passage to the historically anadromous portion of the White Salmon River

Species considered: summer and winter steelhead fall Chinook salmon spring Chinook salmon coho salmon chum salmon bull trout pacific lamprey

Options considered: No action, natural colonization, re-evaluate in 5-10 yrs Salvage wild fish and outplant above Condit Dam, prior to removal Salvage wild adults, spawn in hatchery, release juveniles in White Salmon River after removal Use adjacent hatchery/wild stock, release juveniles/adults in White Salmon River after removal

Options recommended by the White Salmon Workgroup Summer and winter steelhead, and spring Chinook salmon - monitor natural escapement, re-evaluate options in 5 years The results of recent collaborative research projects in the White Salmon River were used to help guide the re-introduction and management plans to meet restoration goals of the various species. These projects include fish assessments in Rattlesnake Creek, a resident trout movement study in the White Salmon River above Condit Dam, juvenile fish population and genetic assessments below Condit Dam, Ecosystem Diagnosis and Treatment modeling, and past genetic assessments of salmonid populations from nearby watersheds.

Conclusions Options incorporated into NOAA’s Endangered Species Act recovery plans for Middle Columbia River steelhead and Lower Columbia River Chinook, coho, and chum salmon The existing datasets and findings provide some information prior to reintroduction, much more could be learned

Two types of tags for tracking fish in the White Salmon subbasin: Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) Tags & Radio Tags Radio Tags PIT Tags Uniquely identify individuals. Can be read from long distances. Cannot be put in small fish. Tags are expensive. Battery life is limited. Uniquely identify individuals. Cannot be read from long distances. Can be put in small fish. Tags are not expensive. No battery, lasts the life of the fish, or longer.

Connectivity within the White Salmon watershed _________ BZ Falls White Salmon River Connectivity within the White Salmon watershed _________ How do fish use the system? Upper Buck Cr. Falls Lower Buck Cr. Falls Falls Rattlesnake Creek Buck Creek Husum Falls Mill Creek Northwestern Lake Condit Dam White Salmon River Columbia River

White Salmon River Basin (WA) Habitat use and life history characteristics of rainbow trout in the White Salmon River above Condit Dam Objective Assess connectivity of Northwestern Lake with mainstem White Salmon River and its tributaries Funded by: Good rainbow fishing in the river and lake. The forest service manages the wild and scenic segment above the reservoir. Condit removed in Oct 08. Condit Dam, White Salmon River Basin (WA)

Fish collection: hook and line Data collected: location, length, weight, scale sample, and genetic sample PIT tagging surgery if radio tagged

Radio Tagging: 2001: 44 tags 2002: 20 tags 12 above Husum BZ Falls Radio Tagging: 2001: 44 tags 12 above Husum 9 below Husum 23 in reservoir 2002: 20 tags 10 above Husum 10 below Husum Waterfall Husum Falls Remote PIT tag interrogator Condit Dam

Conclusions: Most fish moved less than 3 km Rattlesnake and Buck creek are used as spawning tributaries Resident trout can pass above Husum Falls Behavior of trout in the White Salmon River watershed is diverse

Bonneville Power Administration Assess Current and Potential Salmonid Production in Rattlesnake Creek Associated with Restoration efforts Objectives 1.) Characterize fish populations, isotopes, water quality/quantity, and habitat prior to re-introduction 2.) Identify restoration needs Funded by: Bonneville Power Administration

Rattlesnake Creek Instream PIT-tag interrogation system Falls Instream PIT-tag interrogation system Rattlesnake Creek Fish sampled and tagged (n=4,813) Species, abundance, movement, growth, disease Falls White Salmon River Husum Falls Add picture of backpack shocking- explain Indian Creek Indian Creek Condit Dam

Rattlesnake Creek antenna system To AC Power and Data Storage Flow >95% efficient at all fish all flows, add better schematic Multiplexing transceiver

White Salmon watershed How do fish use the system? Falls Connectivity to the White Salmon watershed _________ How do fish use the system? 1% (289) Instream PIT-tag interrogation system Rattlesnake Creek White Salmon River 0.1% (1,184) Falls Husum Falls 0.7% (1,329) 22% (1,102) 12% (438) 21% (116) Indian Creek 12% (355) Indian Creek Condit Dam

Flow and downstream fish movement specific locations but only where you have gear

East Sand Island Bonneville Dam Bonneville Dam 27 Oct 2004: Tagged at 156 mm in lower Rattlesnake Creek 27 April 2005: Detected leaving Rattlesnake Creek 15 Nov 2005: Tag found at East Sand Island Caspian tern colony Bonneville Dam 16 Sept 2004: Tagged at 98 mm in Indian Creek (tributary) 29 March 2005: Detected leaving Rattlesnake Creek 22 July 2006: Detected moving up through Bonneville adult fish ladder as a one-salt summer steelhead Bonneville Dam

Fish Behavior in Rattlesnake Creek: Summary of findings Fish Behavior in Rattlesnake Creek: Husum Falls was not a barrier to larger resident trout Little connection between trout above and below lower Rattlesnake Creek waterfall at RKM 2.4 Spawning resident trout from the White Salmon River use Rattlesnake and Buck creeks Some White Salmon trout over-winter in Rattlesnake Creek Many Rattlesnake and Indian creek trout emigrate to the White Salmon River, during spring, smolt like – some continue to express anadromy

Now. Future? Options incorporated into NOAA’s Endangered Species Act recovery plans for Middle Columbia River steelhead and Lower Columbia River Chinook, coho, and chum salmon