Integrating Salmon and Sea Trout within Management of the Moray Firth Dr. James Butler (Director, Spey Fishery Board)
Salmon rod fisheries and river conservation Fishery takes 10% Funding for management of stocks Sustainable tourist income Healthy stocks and river environment Benefit to river ecology Conserves 100%
Salmon Lifecycle
Adult Salmon Tagging Studies (Shearer, 1986 & 1992)
Adult Salmon Migration Routes (Shearer, 1986 & 1992)
Coastal predation Legal & illegal netting Dolphins & seals Catching 8,000 fish 130 dolphins 15 netting stations 700 common seals 300 grey seals Catching ? fish 180,000 salmon 80,000 sea trout
Commercial fisheries Pelagic fisheriesDolphins & seals Sea trout, salmon Herring, sprats, sandeels
The SAC Conundrum PREY Salmon (PREY) are declining PREDATOR Common seals (PREDATOR) are declining PREDATOR Bottlenose dolphins (PREDATOR) are declining PREDATOR Common and grey seals (PREDATOR) are protected in the Moray Firth by Conservation Order ( ) due to PDV outbreak WHICH SPECIES TAKES PRIORITY?
impossible What actions are impossible? 1. Culling dolphins SAC population declining Source of tourist income (£720,000 per year) 2. Culling common seals SAC population declining Contribute to tourist income
possible What actions are possible? 1. Targeting problem seals in river mouths? Most damage done by few problem animals? Grey seals not in decline and outwith common seal SAC Management plan for Moray Firth seals needed Process begun by Scottish Executive pre-PDV but stalled Appropriate methods: lethal or non-lethal?
possible What actions are possible? 2. Reduce salmon netting? Declining surplus Mixed-stock interceptory fisheries Would reduced catch buffer dolphin and seal predation? BUT economic impact on traditional activity?
possible What actions are possible? 3. Reduce pelagic fishery? Pelagic fish are basic diet for all predators in Moray Firth Would reduced catch benefit salmon and sea trout feeding? Would reduced catch buffer dolphin and seal predation on salmon and sea trout? BUT difficulties of dealing with North Sea fisheries policies
possible What actions are possible? 4. Relocate salmon aquaculture? No risk of disease or escapes on wild salmon and sea trout Scottish Executive Aquaculture Strategy and TWG reviewing location of salmon farms No current salmon farm production in Moray Firth Relocate freshwater salmon farm cage sites?
Operation Fish Net Steve Dawson Dolphin deaths from illegal gill nets Fishery Board patrols Reduces salmon losses Prevents dolphin deaths
Illegal Gill Nets Recovered,
Possible Moray Firth action 1. Seal management plan? 2. Review salmon netting? 4. Relocate salmon farms? 3. Review commercial pelagic fisheries? 5. Expand Operation Fish Net?