ODFW Fish Screening and Passage Program


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Presentation transcript:

ODFW Fish Screening and Passage Program

Program Structure Program Manager (HQ) Screen Shop Managers (Field) Administrative Specialist State Screens Coordinator The Dalles Screen Shop NW Field Coordinator Office Specialist State Passage Coordinator Central Point Screen Shop SW Field Coordinator Fiscal Analyst 4 Engineers John Day Screen Shop NE/SE Field Coordinator Accountant Engineering Tech Enterprise Screen Shop

Program Areas

Bonneville Power Administration Program Funding Sources Measure 66 Lottery Mitchell Act FRIMA Bonneville Power Administration Statewide Surcharge Other License Dollars

Measure 66 (M66) Lottery Funds for salmon and watershed restoration. Capital funds for 60% cost share of fish screens and passage. $4 million per biennium.

Mitchell Act Mitigation for salmon restoration in the Columbia River Basin. Funds primarily used for operation and maintenance of fish screens and passage. $1.7 million per year.

FRIMA Fisheries Restoration and Irrigation Mitigation Act Federal funds administered by USFW. Requires 35% non-federal match. Originally authorized at $25 million. Oregon’s 2006 share was $364,000. Bill currently in process of reauthorization in Washington DC.

BPA Bonneville Power Administration Funds Mitchell Act replacement screens in the Columbia River Basin. $535,000 per year.

Statewide Surcharge Generated through 25¢ surcharge on each sport fishing license. Used for construction, maintenance, administration, and Fish Screening Task Force. Approximately $400,000 per year.

Cost-share Program M66 funds first available January 1, 2000 Projects installed Jan 2000 to June 2006: Fish Screen Fish Passage 521 47 Projects under construction: 33 7

Oregon Projects

Rotary Drum Screen Stream: Cottonwood Creek size: 1.46 cfs County: Grant species: Steelhead, Native redband Basin: John Day S-06-0070

Vertical Panel Screen Stream: NF Crooked River size: 10 cfs County: Crook species: Rainbow trout Basin: Deschutes S-05-0021

New Chain Drive System ODFW designed, fabricated and installed a new chain driven self-cleaning system that eliminates a potentially hazardous pendulum drive arm.

Vertical Panel Screen Stream: Badger Creek size: 30 cfs County: Wasco species: Native redband trout Basin: Deschutes S-05-0027

Belt Screen Stream: Malheur River size: 19 cfs County: Harney species: Bull trout, Native redband trout Basin: Malheur S-10-0003

Pump Screen Stream: Mill Creek size: 1.8 cfs County: Marion species: Chinook, Steelhead Basin: Willamette River S-02-0092

Vertical Slot Fishway with Fish Trap Stream: Santiam River size: na County: Marion species: na Basin: Santiam River P-02-0030

Pool & Chute Fishway Stream: Chewaucan River size: na County: Lake species: Native redband trout Basin: Goose & Summer Lakes P-13-0209

Modified Pool & Weir Fishway Stream: Chewaucan River size: na County: Lake species: Native redband trout Basin: Goose & Summer Lakes P-13-0206

Pool & Weir Fishway Stream: Ochoco Creek size: na County: Crook species: Rainbow trout Basin: Deschutes P-05-0031

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly GOOD Future M66 Lottery funds look good. Highly competent staff do the job right. BAD Federal funds overall too low. Inadequate funds for fish screen maintenance. UGLY State Fish Screen Coordinator’s office.

The End