Ecosystem Workgroup Unmanaged Forage Fish Protection Initiative Workgroup Presentation for I.1. EWG Reports at I.1.a. and I.1.b. April 10, 2014 Agenda Item I.1.b Supplemental EWG PowerPoint April 2014
round and thread herring, mesopelagic fishes, Pacific sandlance, Pacific saury, Silversides, Osmerid smelts, and Pelagic squids (with the exception of Humboldt squid)
Draft Alternatives for Amending FMPs Describe Existing Commercial Fisheries Describe Incidental Take Levels Recommend FMPs for Amendment Chapter 2 Section Section Chapter 4
recognize the importance of forage fish to the marine ecosystem off the U.S. West Coast. This action is needed to provide protection for unmanaged, unfished forage fish of the U.S. West Coast Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) by The purpose of this action is to prohibiting new directed fishing on those species until the Council has had an adequate opportunity to assess the scientific information relating to any proposed fishery and to consider potential impacts to existing fisheries, fishing communities, and the greater marine ecosystem. The purpose of this action is to prohibit new directed commercial fishing in federal waters on unmanaged, unfished forage fish species until the Council has had an adequate opportunity to both assess the scientific information relating to any proposed directed fishery and consider potential impacts to existing fisheries, fishing communities, and the greater marine ecosystem. This action is needed to proactively protect unmanaged, unfished forage fish of the U.S. West Coast EEZ in recognition of the importance of these forage fish to the species managed under the Council’s FMPs and to the larger CCE. 1.0
Notice of Availability of FMP Amendments Proposed Rule to Implement FMP Amendments Final Rule to Implement FMP Amendments 1.3
CPS at 1.2 & 1.4 Groundfish at 3.1 HMS at 3.1 & 3.3 Salmon at 1.1 & 1.2 Proposed Rule to Implement SAFMC’s Comprehensive Ecosystem-Based Amendment 2 (CE-BA2), which includes: Amendment 7 to Coral FMP, Amendment 25 to Snapper-Grouper FMP, and Amendment 21 to Coastal Migratory Pelagic FMP
No Action Alternative: the Federal List of Authorized Fisheries and Gear Council recommended updating the List at its September 2013 meeting 2.0
Alternative 2, three pathways: 1. Forage species role in ecosystem 2. Forage species as bycatch 3. Forage species connected to FMP predators
Alternative 2, three pathways: 1. Forage species role in ecosystem 2. Forage species as bycatch 3. Forage species connected to FMP predators
Alternative 2, three pathways: 1. Forage species role in ecosystem 2. Forage species as bycatch 3. Forage species connected to FMP predators
Alternative 2, three pathways: Fishing moratorium until better science available Alternative 1: No Action Alternative 1: No Action NowNext Meeting Alternative 2: Fishing moratorium until better science available 2.3
Long-lived Slow maturing Low fecundity 3.0
Round and thread herrings
Mesopelagics: Myctophidae Bathylagidae Paralepididae Gonostomatidae
Pacific sand lance
Pacific saury
Osmerid smelts
Pelagic squids Gonatidae Ommastrephidae Onychoteuthidae Thysanoteuthidae
Consistent annual landings Priority for catch accounting Worth lots of $$ 3.3
2.2.1: Ecosystem Trophic Role Pathway
2.2.2: Bycatch and Gear Pathway
2.2.3: Predator-Prey Pathway
Alternative 2, three pathways: Fishing moratorium until better science available Alternative 1: No Action Alternative 1: No Action NowNext Meeting Alternative 2: Fishing moratorium until better science available The purpose of this action is to prohibit new directed commercial fishing in federal waters on unmanaged, unfished forage fish species until the Council has had an adequate opportunity to both assess the scientific information relating to any proposed directed fishery and consider potential impacts to existing fisheries, fishing communities, and the greater marine ecosystem. This action is needed to proactively protect unmanaged, unfished forage fish of the U.S. West Coast EEZ in recognition of the importance of these forage fish to the species managed under the Council’s FMPs and to the larger CCE.
CPS at 1.2 & 1.4 Groundfish at 3.1 HMS at 3.1 & 3.3 Salmon at 1.1 & 1.2
For those images where sources are not shown directly on image, all are courtesy of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, except: Slide 2: Boise, Idaho, City of Boise; Pacific saury, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (repeated at several subsequent slides); thread herring, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (repeated at several subsequent slides). Slide 4: Northeast Pacific Ocean; NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center. Slide 15: Puffin with sand lance, U.S. Geological Survey Slide 17: Topsmelt, U.S. Deparment of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation; grunion, California Coastal Commission. Slide 20: Portrait of Ecosystem Workgroup member, Richard Scully with dog and Chinook, Richard Scully. Smelt fishing on Gold Bluff Beach, National Archives and Records Administration. Smelt fishing near Yachats, Oregon, Oregon State University.