Seed Project Planning Trainer Name Ministry
2 Introduction You are going camping. What would happen if you forgot to: Check the weather? Check the weather? Bring appropriate clothing? Bring appropriate clothing? Bring food? Bring food? Bring money? Bring money?
3 Key Verse: Luke 14:28-30 “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it? For if he lays the foundation and is not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule him, saying ‘This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.’”
4 Seed Project Planning Guide
6 Heading 1. Problem: ________________________ 2. God’s Intention: __________________ 3. Scripture: _______________________ 4. Seed Project Title: ________________ 5. Primary Impact: _________________ 6. Secondary Impact(s): _____________
7 Seed Project Planning Guide Heading 1. Problem: ________________________
8 Seed Project Planning Guide Heading 1. Problem: Public urination at the market
9 Seed Project Planning Guide Heading 1. Problem: Public urination at the market 2. God’s Intention: _________________
10 Seed Project Planning Guide Heading 1. Problem: Public urination at the market 2. God’s Intention: To live in a clean world
11 Seed Project Planning Guide Heading 1. Problem: Public urination at the market 2. God’s Intention: To live in a clean world 3. Scripture: ______________________
12 Seed Project Planning Guide Heading 1. Problem: Public urination at the market 2. God’s Intention: To live in a clean world 3. Scripture: Leviticus 11:36
13 Seed Project Planning Guide Heading 1. Problem: Public urination at the market 2. God’s Intention: To live in a clean world 3. Scripture: Leviticus 11:36 4. Seed Project Title: ______________
14 Seed Project Planning Guide Heading 1. Problem: Public urination at the market 2. God’s Intention: To live in a clean world 3. Scripture: Leviticus 11:36 4. Seed Project Title: Building Public Urinal
15 Seed Project Planning Guide Heading 1. Problem: Public urination at the market 2. God’s Intention: To live in a clean world 3. Scripture: Leviticus 11:36 4. Seed Project Title: Building Public Urinal 5. Primary Impact: ______________
16 Seed Project Planning Guide Heading 1. Problem: Public urination at the market 2. God’s Intention: To live in a clean world 3. Scripture: Leviticus 11:36 4. Seed Project Title: Building Public Urinal 5. Primary Impact: Physical
17 Seed Project Planning Guide Heading 1. Problem: Public urination at the market 2. God’s Intention: To live in a clean world 3. Scripture: Leviticus 11:36 4. Seed Project Title: Building Public Urinal 5. Primary Impact: Physical 6. Secondary Impact(s): ___________
18 Seed Project Planning Guide Heading 1. Problem: Public urination at the market 2. God’s Intention: To live in a clean world 3. Scripture: Leviticus 11:36 4. Seed Project Title: Building Public Urinal 5. Primary Impact: Physical 6. Secondary Impact(s): Social + Spiritual
19 Seed Project Planning Guide
20 Seed Project Planning Guide The Plan Project Steps People to Consult Resource Needed Person Resp. Finish Day
21 Seed Project Planning Guide The Plan Project Steps 1. Prayer & decision
22 Seed Project Planning Guide The Plan Project Steps People to Consult 1. Prayer & decision God
23 Seed Project Planning Guide The Plan Project Steps People to Consult Resource Needed 1. Prayer & decision God Time, reflection
24 Seed Project Planning Guide The Plan Project Steps People to Consult Resource Needed Person Resp. 1. Prayer & decision God Time, reflection Church leaders
25 Seed Project Planning Guide The Plan Project Steps People to Consult Resource Needed Person Resp. Finish Day 1. Prayer & decision God Time, reflection Church leaders Day 1
26 Seed Project Planning Guide The Plan Project Steps People to Consult ResourceN eeded Person Resp. Finish Day 1. Prayer & decision God Time, reflection Church leaders Day Build Urinal
27 Seed Project Planning Guide The Plan Project Steps People to Consult Resource Needed Person Resp. Finish Day 1. Prayer & decision God Time, reflection Church leaders Day Build Urinal Church/ Community
28 Seed Project Planning Guide The Plan Project Steps People to Consult Resource Needed Person Resp. Finish Day 1. Prayer & decision God Time, reflection Church leaders Day Build Urinal Church/ Community Free weekend
29 Seed Project Planning Guide The Plan Project Steps People to Consult Resource Needed Person Resp. Finish Day 1. Prayer & decision God Time, reflection Church leaders Day Build Urinal Church/ Community Free weekend Project Committee
30 Seed Project Planning Guide The Plan Project Steps People to Consult Resource Needed Person Resp. Finish Day 1. Prayer & decision God Time, reflection Church leaders Day Build Urinal Church/ Community Free weekend Project Committee Day16-17
31 Walk-Through of a Sample Plan Heading 1. Problem: Husbands don’t respect wives 2. God’s Intention: Husbands love wives 3. Scripture: Ephesians 5:25 4. Seed Project Title: Seminar on Biblical Husband/Wife Relationships 5. Primary Impact: Wisdom 6. Secondary Impact(s): Soc, Spir, Phy
32 Walk-Through of a Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult ResourceNeeded Person Resp. Finish Day 1 Prayer, DecisionGod Time, reflection Church leadership 1 2 Interest Survey Community Men Questionnaire Church volunteers Get seminar teacher PastorRecommendationPastor8-10
33 Walk-Through of a Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult ResourceNeeded Person Resp. Finish Day 1 Prayer, DecisionGod Time, reflection Church leadership 1 2 Interest Survey Community Men Questionnaire Church volun Get seminar teacher PastorRecommendationPastor8-10
34 Walk-Through of a Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult ResourceNeeded Person Resp. Finish Day 1 Prayer, DecisionGod Time, reflection Church leadership 1 2 Interest Survey Community Men Questionnaire Church volunteers Get seminar teacher PastorRecommendationPastor8-10
35 Walk-Through of a Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult ResourceNeeded Person Resp. Finish Day 4 Get lesson material Bookstore Research, funds Comm.Chair Get venue Person in charge White board, chairs, etc. Juan P Arrange for refresh. Church & community Women, funds Rosa15-20
36 Walk-Through of a Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult ResourceNeeded Person Resp. Finish Day 4 Get lesson material Bookstore Research, funds Comm.Chair Get venue Person in charge White board, chairs, etc. Juan P Arrange for refresh. Church & community Women, funds Rosa15-20
37 Walk-Through of a Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult ResourceNeeded Person Resp. Finish Day 4 Get lesson material Bookstore Research, Funds Comm.Chair Get venue Person in charge White board, chairs, etc. Juan P Arrange refresh. Church & Community Women, funds Rosa15-20
38 Walk-Through of a Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult ResourceNeeded Person Resp. Finish Day 7 Print announ. PrinterFundsMaria Prayer meeting GodTimePastor21 9 Distrib. announ.Church/communityTime Comm. Chair 22
39 Walk-Through of a Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult ResourceNeeded Person Resp. Finish Day 7 Print announ. PrinterFundsMaria Prayer meeting GodTimePastor21 9 Distrib. announ.Church/communityTime Comm. Chair 22
40 Walk-Through of a Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult ResourceNeeded Person Resp. Finish Day 7 Print announ. PrinterFundsMaria Prayer meeting GodTimePastor21 9 Distrib. announ.Church/CommunityTime Comm. Chair 22
41 Walk-Through of a Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult ResourceNeeded Person Resp. Finish Day 10 Conduct seminar Time Project committee Prayer GodTimePastor24 12 Eval. God, Project committee Participant response Project committee 25
42 Walk-Through of a Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult ResourceNeeded Person Resp. Finish Day 10 Conduct seminar Time Project committee Prayer GodTimePastor24 12 Eval. God, Project committee Participant response Project committee 25
43 Walk-Through of a Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult ResourceNeeded Person Resp. Finis h Day 10 Conduct seminar Time Project committee Prayer GodTimePastor24 12 Eval. God, Project committee Participant response Project committee 25
44 Walk-Through of a Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult ResourceNeeded Person Resp. Finish Day 13 Proj. report Writer Comm. Chair Plan for next project Church leadership Time 29
45 Walk-Through of a Sample Plan Project Steps People to Consult ResourceNeeded Person Resp. Finish Day 13 Proj. report Writer Comm. Chair Plan for next project Church leadership Time 29
46 Checking the Plan Impact Areas Wisdom – Wisdom – Physical – Physical – Spiritual – Spiritual – Social – Social –
47 Checking the Plan Impact Areas Wisdom – Step 10 (Seminar content) Wisdom – Step 10 (Seminar content) Physical – Physical – Spiritual – Spiritual – Social – Social –
48 Checking the Plan Impact Areas Wisdom – Step 10 (Seminar content) Wisdom – Step 10 (Seminar content) Physical – Not planned ( Possible by- product) Physical – Not planned ( Possible by- product) Spiritual – Spiritual – Social – Social –
49 Checking the Plan Impact Areas Wisdom – Step 10 (Seminar content) Wisdom – Step 10 (Seminar content) Physical – Not planned ( Possible by-product) Physical – Not planned ( Possible by-product) Spiritual – Step 10 (Principles in seminar) Spiritual – Step 10 (Principles in seminar) Social – Social –
50 Checking the Plan Impact Areas Wisdom – Step 10 (Seminar content) Wisdom – Step 10 (Seminar content) Physical – Not planned ( Possible by- product) Physical – Not planned ( Possible by- product) Spiritual – Step 10 (Principles in seminar) Spiritual – Step 10 (Principles in seminar) Social – Steps 6, 9, 10 (Church/community interaction) Social – Steps 6, 9, 10 (Church/community interaction)
51 Checking The Plan 10 Characteristics 1. Motivated by God’s Intentions 2. Covered in Prayer 3. Simple and short 4. Well planned 5. Local resources 6. Doesn’t manipulate 7. Outside the Church 8. Beneficiaries Participate 9. Intentionally Wholistic 10. God is praised
52 Checking the Plan Characteristics 1. Motivation: Heading Scripture – Eph 5:25 2. Prayer: Steps 1, 8, 11, Simple and short: Step 10 (1 day) 4. Planned: Total plan 5. Local resources: Steps 4, 5, 6, 7
53 Checking the Plan Characteristics 1. Motivation: Heading Scripture – Eph 5:25 2. Prayer: Steps 1, 8, 11, Simple and short: Step 10 (1 day) 4. Planned: Total plan 5. Local resources: Steps 4, 5, 6, 7
54 Checking the Plan Characteristics 1. Motivation: Heading Scripture – Eph 5:25 2. Prayer: Steps 1, 8, 11, Simple and short: Step 10 (1 day) 4. Planned: Total plan 5. Local resources: Steps 4, 5, 6, 7
55 Checking the Plan Characteristics 1. Motivation: Heading Scripture – Eph 5:25 2. Prayer: Steps 1, 8, 11, Simple and short: Step 10 (1 day) 4. Planned: Total plan 5. Local resources: Steps 4, 5, 6, 7
56 Checking the Plan Characteristics 1. Prayer: Steps 1, 8, 11, Compassion: All, especially Step Motivation: Heading Scripture – Eph 5:25 4. Planned: Total plan 5. Local resources: Steps 4, 5, 6, 7
57 Checking the Plan Characteristics 6. Manipulate: All, especially Step Outside the church: Steps 2, 6, 9, Participation: Steps 2, 6, 9, Wholistic impact: Step God is praised: Step 13
58 Checking the Plan Characteristics 6. Manipulate: All, especially Step Outside the church: Steps 2, 6, 9, Participation: Steps 2, 6, 9, Wholistic impact: Step God is praised: Step 13
59 Checking the Plan Characteristics 6. Manipulate: All, especially Step Outside the church: Steps 2, 6, 9, Participation: Steps 2, 6, 9, Wholistic impact: Step God is praised: Step 13
60 Checking the Plan Characteristics 6. Manipulate: All, especially Step Outside the church: Steps 2, 6, 9, Participation: Steps 2, 6, 9, Wholistic impact: Step God is praised: Step 13
61 Checking the Plan Characteristics 6. Manipulate: All, especially Step Outside the church: Steps 2, 6, 9, Participation: Steps 2, 6, 9, Wholistic impact: Step God is praised: Step 13
62 Adjust and Do the Plan Choose a time and carry out the plan
63 Evaluating the Project Easily missed, but essential
64 Evaluating the Project 1. Narrative description
65 Evaluating the Project 1. Narrative description 2. What worked
66 Evaluating the Project 1. Narrative description 2. What worked 3. Problems
67 Evaluating the Project 1. Narrative description 2. What worked 3. Problems 4. Lessons learned
68 Seed Project Reporting Celebrate with your small group and/or Church Celebrate with your small group and/or Church Report to Harvest - Please tell us about your completed Seed Projects. Report to Harvest - Please tell us about your completed Seed Projects. –See our website for details: –Take pictures!!
69 Long-Range Planning WisdomSpiritual PhysicalSocial
70 Long-Range Planning Wisdom 1. Seminars 2. Learning about community needs Spiritual PhysicalSocial
71 Long-Range Planning Wisdom 1. Seminars 2. Learning about community needs Spiritual Physical 1. Garbage clean-up 2. Bed sheets for prisoners Social
72 Long-Range Planning Wisdom 1. Seminars 2. Learning about community needs Spiritual 1. Jesus film 2. Door-to-door visits Physical 1. Garbage clean-up 2. Bed sheets for prisoners Social
73 Long-Range Planning (How to eat the whole elephant) Wisdom 1. Seminars 2. Learning about community needs Spiritual 1. Jesus film 2. Door-to-door visits Physical 1. Garbage clean-up 2. Bed sheets for prisoners Social 1. Youth soccer game 2. Party for elderly
74 Importance of Planning “One transforming aspect of the seed project to cell leaders is planning….Planning has become valuable to our leaders because any seed project that is thoroughly planned bears tremendous results and leaves great community impact. Planning has become extremely relevant because not only is it helping to bear good fruit with seed projects but it is also helping our leaders to plan their own lives.” Franco Onaga, Missions Pastor Kampala Pentecostal Church
75 Balanced, Focused & Ongoing Demonstrations of God’s love
76 Demonstrations of God’s love In each area In each area Balanced, Focused & Ongoing
77 Demonstrations of God’s love In each area In each area To the same people To the same people Balanced, Focused & Ongoing
78 Demonstrations of God’s love In each area In each area To the same people To the same people Many Seed Projects done over time Many Seed Projects done over time Balanced, Focused & Ongoing
79 Planning Your Next Seed Project Your New Seed Project 1. Pray 1. Pray
80 Planning Your Next Seed Project Your New Seed Project 1. Pray 2. Select problem
81 Planning Your Next Seed Project Your New Seed Project 1. Pray 2. Select problem 3. Choose and plan the next project
82 Planning Your Next Seed Project Your New Seed Project 1. Pray 2. Select problem 3. Choose and plan the project 4. Compare with Seed Project characteristics
83 Planning Your Next Seed Project Your New Seed Project 1. Pray 2. Select problem 3. Choose and plan the project 4. Compare with Seed Project characteristics 5. Adjust and do the plan
84 Planning Your Next Seed Project Your New Seed Project 1. Pray 2. Select problem 3. Choose and plan the project 4. Compare with Seed Project characteristics 5. Adjust and do the plan 6. Evaluate the plan
85 Planning Your Next Seed Project Your New Seed Project 1. Pray 2. Select problem 3. Choose and plan the project 4. Compare with Seed Project characteristics 5. Adjust and do the plan 6. Evaluate the plan 7. Plan the next Seed Project and so on!!
86 Kingdom Multiplication of Your Seed Projects Your New Seed Project 1. Share/teach Seed Project principles and methodology with another small group and/or local church 2. Share your Seed Project Reports with others – with pictures!! Harvest Harvest Community leaders Community leaders Other local churches Other local churches
Seed Project Planning Trainer Name Ministry