What do we know about Moroni? 1. He finished his Father’s inspired abridgement of the Nephite history. 2. He commanded 10,000 soldiers at Cumorah. 3. He abridged the writings of Ether. 4. He recorded the lengthy writings of the Brother of Jared on the gold plates and sealed them up.
6. He deposited the plates in a hillside in New York. 5. He wandered alone about the land for many years. 6. He deposited the plates in a hillside in New York. 7. He was the only member of his family mentioned in the Book of Mormon with the exception of his Father. 8. He experienced a lifetime of bloodshed and turmoil and strife. 9. He was named after Captain Moroni. 10. He was a church leader and made many prophecies.
Following this dismaying decline of Nephite civilization documented by his father, Moroni picked up the recorder’s task, but he did not write to any living audience. Rather, he directed his final testimony --- in fact, three final testimonies --- to those who would receive the record in the last days. A book that began with three witnesses of Christ ends the same way but with a difference --- with three final declarations of the Savior from the writings of one man. Moroni’s experience was painful, for he observed in life, in history, and in vision the pollution and destruction of three glorious civilizations --- his own Nephite world, the Jaredite nation, and our latter-day dispensation (Jeffrey R. Holland, Christ and the New Covenant, 323).
In the first edition of the Book of Mormon, all of Moroni was one chapter. What did Moroni write? 1. Mormon 8 & 9 2. Moroni 1-6, 10 3. The Title Page of the Book of Mormon He is probably the most easily identifiable person connected with the restoration: Why? Temples The Book of Mormon L.D.S. jewelry, etc.
Moroni 1:1 “I had supposed not to have written more, but I have not as yet perished!” Moroni’s writings add more evidence of multi-authorship within the Book of Mormon. Moroni translated and edited the book of Ether and wrote the book of Moroni. In a word study comparison between these two books, the phrase “And it came to pass” is used by Moroni 117 times in the book of Ether. Yet in the book of Moroni the phrase does not appear a single time (Daniel H. Ludlow, Companion, 330-31).
Moroni 1:3 “I Moroni will not deny the Christ!” Moroni 1:4 “Perhaps they may be of worth unto my brethren.”
“The Administration of the Sacrament” He seemed to have the same humility that his father Mormon had! Moroni 4-5 “The Administration of the Sacrament” B.H. Roberts insisted they were the most perfect forms of sacred literature to be found. To participate in them is to enter the Holy of Holies of the Atonement (Truth, Way, Light, 39). These prayers spiritualize the physical and physicalize the spiritual. They unite from man’s mortal condition to an eternal family.
Elder Melvin J. Ballard cautions, “We must come…to the sacrament table hungry” (Ballard, Melvin J. Ballard, 132). Some come to the banquet table each week with pitchers, ready to catch and drink every drop of eternal life that is offered. Others come with cups---and still others with yet smaller receptacles. Jedediah M. Grand observed: “A great many people partake of the Sacrament, and at the same time are thinking, ‘How many teams can I get tomorrow to haul stone? I wonder if that sister has a bonnet like mine, or if I can get one like hers? I wonder if it is going to be a good day tomorrow, or whether it will rain or snow?’…You can sit in this stand and read such thoughts in their faces” (Journal of Discourses, 2:277).
I imagine that if we could see the heavenly barometer that reads and records the secret thoughts of each person during this holy ordinance, we would have a pretty good measure of the spirituality of that person (Tad R. Callister, The Infinite Atonement, 288). Each week a feast is served at sacrament meeting. Speakers, music, and prayers are integral parts of this meeting, but they are not the main course. The music might be discordant, the speakers monotonous---and yet those who come to the sacrament table hungry still can be filled. Any man or woman who comes to sacrament meeting hungering and thirsting for spiritual food will find refreshment and nourishment for his or her soul.
Elder Marion G. Romney recalled it being said of President Wilford Woodruff “that while the sacrament was being passed, his lips could be observed in silent motion as he repeated to himself over and over again, ‘I do remember thee, I do remember thee’” (Romney, “Reverence,” 3).
Elder Marion G. Romney recalled it being said of President Wilford Woodruff “that while the sacrament was being passed, his lips could be observed in silent motion as he repeated to himself over and over again, ‘I do remember thee, I do remember thee’” (Romney, “Reverence,” 3).
The Death of Moroni At a meeting at Spanish Fork, Utah Co., in the winter of 1896, Brother Higginson stated in my presence that Thomas B. Marsh told him that the Prophet Joseph Smith told him (Thomas B. Marsh, then President of the Twelve), that he became very anxious to know something of the fate of Moroni, and in answer to prayer the Lord gave Joseph a vision, in which appeared a wild country and on the scene was Moroni after whom were six Indians in pursuit; he stopped and one of the Indians stepped forward and measured swords with him. Moroni smote him and he fell dead; another Indian advanced and contended with him; this Indian also fell by his sword; a third Indian then stepped forth and met the same fate; a fourth afterwards contended with him, but in the struggle with the fourth, Moroni, being exhausted, was killed. Thus ended the life of Moroni (The Fate of Moroni, 1897, Division Archives, Charles David).
Moroni in Manti Some members of the Church are aware that at the dedication of the site for the temple in Manti, Utah, the following incident took place. At a conference held in Ephraim, Sanpete County, June 25th, 1875, nearly all the speakers expressed their feelings to have a temple built in Sanpete County, and gave their views as to what point and where to build it, and to show the union that existed, Elder Daniel H. Wells said “Manti,” George Q. Cannon, Brigham Young, Jr., John Taylor, Orson Hyde, Erastus Snow, Franklin D. Richards, Lorenzo Young, and A.M. Musse said “Manti stone quarry,” I have given the names in the order in which they spoke. At four p.m. that day President Brigham Young said: “The Temple should be built on the Manti stone quarry.” Early on the morning of April 25, 1877, President Brigham Young asked Brother Warren S. Snow to go with him to the Temple hill. Brother Snow said, “We two were alone: President Young took me to the spot where the Temple was to stand; we went to the southeast corner, and President Young said:
“Here is the spot where the prophet Moroni stood and dedicated this piece of land for the Temple site, and that is the reason why the location is made here, and we can’t move it from this spot; and if you and I are the only persons that come here at high noon today, we will dedicate this ground” (Whitney, 436, Diary of Charles Lowell Walker).
That Moroni dedicated the Manti Temple site is one of the few statements the Brethren have made connecting a Book of Mormon figure with a specific current place and action. This aids us in documenting one of Moroni’s travels and priesthood assignments. Another reference happened when William McBride, patriarch from the Richfield Utah Stake, spoke at a prayer meeting in St. George in January 1881. After recalling many experiences from the Nauvoo period and quoting the Prophet Joseph Smith on many issues, Patriarch McBride referred to the route the old Nephites took traveling to Cumorah from the south and south-west of having to bury their treasures as they journeyed and finally burying the records and precious things in the Hill Cumorah; of Moroni dedicating the Temple site of what we now call St. George, Nauvoo, Jackson Co., Kirtland, and others we know not of as yet (Walker, 2:525-26, Diary of Charles Lowell Walker).
Celebration of the Fourth of July An Address by Elder Orson Hyde, delivered in the Tabernacle, Great Salt Lake City, July 4, 1854. It was by the agency of that same angel of God that appeared unto Joseph Smith, and revealed to him the history of the early inhabitants of this country, whose mounds, bones, and fortifications speak from the dust in the ears of the living with the voice of undeniable truth. This same angel presides over the destinies of America, and feels a lively interest in all our doings. He was in the camp at Washington; and, by an invisible hand, led on our fathers to conquest and victory; and all this to open and prepare the way for the Church and kingdom of God to be established on the western hemisphere, for the redemption of Israel and the salvation of the world.
This same angel was with Columbus, and gave him deep impressions, by dreams and by visions, respecting this New World. Trammeled by poverty and by an unpopular cause, yet is persevering and unyielding heart would not allow an obstacle in his way too great for him to overcome; and the angel of God helped him --- was with him on the stormy deep, calmed the troubled elements, and guided his frail vessel to the desired haven. Under the guardianship of this same angel, or Prince of America, have the United States grown, increased, and flourished, like the sturdy oak by the rivers of water.
Had the United States been as faithful a guardian to the Latter-day Saints as the angel of God has been to them, she would never know dissolution, nor be humbled in dishonor by the decrees of any foreign powers. I ask no earthly being to endorse this my testimony, or to adopt it as his own sentiment. A little time will prove whether Orson Hyde alone has declared it, or whether the heavenly powers will back up this testimony in the faces of all the world. When Justice is satisfied, and the blood of martyrs atoned for, the guardian angel of America will return to his station, resume his charge, and restore the Constitution of our country to the respect and veneration of the people; for it was given by the inspiration of our God.
Moroni 6:1-4 “Four requirements of Baptism” 1. Bring forth fruit meet that they were worthy of it (v.1). 2. A broken heart and contrite spirit (v.2). 3. Having truly repented of all sins (v. 2). 4. Taking upon them the name of Christ (v.3).
What benefits come from nourishing members “by the good word of God?” Moroni 6:4 What benefits come from nourishing members “by the good word of God?” “With the ever-increasing number of converts, we must make an increasingly substantial effort to assist them as they find their way. Every one of them needs three things: a friend, a responsibility, and nurturing with the ‘good word of God.’ It is our duty and opportunity to provide these things” (Gordon B. Hinckley, Teachings, 539).
Moroni 6:5 “Unless the saints attend their meetings, it will be hard for them to keep alive in the Gospel” (President Anthon N. Lund, C.R., 1907, 9).