Charyde Blacklock Health Safety Environmental Introduction Charyde Blacklock Health Safety Environmental Energy XXI
Mallory Friend Business Development Introduction Mallory Friend Business Development PEC Safety
Who is PEC Safety? PEC Safety is a Louisiana based company founded in 1993 with over 130 employees. Office Locations: Mandeville, Louisiana Dallas, Texas Houston, Texas San Antonio, Texas Regional Representatives: Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Utah
History of PEC Safety PEC Safety is Incorporated & Training Begins SSQ/SHERP Developed Creation of SafeGulf Creation of SafeLandUSA PEC Safety Administers SafeLandUSA Database BP Oil Spill – PEC Safety Trains 150k Response Workers in 3 months
Philosophy of Standardization Our Philosophy of Standardization: Standardized Safety Questionnaire Standardized Orientation SafeGulf SafeLandUSA Shared SSQ Verifications & Audits Our mission is to help your employees get home safely to their families “PEC Safety’s mission is to provide standardized training programs and contractor evaluation processes ensuring quality control and minimizing risks that an Operator is exposed to when using Contractors. Through standardization, we strive to minimize unnecessary duplication of efforts and expenses, while ultimately making the workplace a safer environment.”
PEC Safety at a Glance
Energy XXI & PEC Safety Energy XXI has established a business relationship with PEC Safety, and effective immediately, PEC Safety will assist Energy XXI in implementing its Contractor Safety Management Program. September 1 requirement date
Meeting Energy XXI’s Requirements
Account Information SECTION 1
Account Information SECTION 1 Step 1 – PEC Initial Account Setup Acquire username and password from PEC’s Contractor Support Department Phone: 866.647.2338 Email:
Account Information SECTION 1 Step 1 – PEC Initial Account Setup Login on PEC Safety’s website Input contractor specific credentials
Account Information SECTION 1 Step 2: Complete the Standardized Safety Questionnaire (SSQ) Begin Standardized Safety Questionnaire (SSQ) after logging into PEC Safety’s website
Account Information SECTION 1 Step 3: Updating Standardized Safety Questionnaire (SSQ) Update SSQ Quarterly – Once the SSQ is completed, you will be required to update the SSQ at least quarterly, or at any time your organization makes or will make significant changes to statistical data, the services your organization provides or your organization’s HSE Management System.
Account Information SECTION 1 Step 3: Updating Standardized Safety Questionnaire (SSQ) At the beginning of every quarter, your SSQ will become incomplete and require updating. Sections requiring attention will be highlighted and PEC Safety will send a quarterly reminder to update your SSQ.
Account Information SECTION 1 SSQ Complete SSQ Incomplete
Account Information SECTION 1 Energy XXI Specific (Quarterly) Man-Hour Section Energy XXI is requiring each contractor to report on a quarterly basis all exposure hours and recordable accidents/incidents related to work/services performed on all Energy XXI locations. This table is located in the SSQ under the section – Operator Specific Quarterly Indecent Statistics Section. If a contractor did not have employees on any Energy XXI location during a month/quarter, a contractor is still required to complete the table by recording zeroes for those months.
Account Information SECTION 1 Completion Dates The SSQ quarterly update for the General Safety Incident Statistics section (statistical data) will be available for updating on the following dates each year: January 1st April 1st July 1st October 1st Updates must be completed within 10 days following each of the above dates for the previous quarter
Document Information SECTION 2
Document Information SECTION 2 Required Documents Management of Change (MOC) Last completed JSA Certificate of Insurance documents with Energy XXI Services, LLC as the certificate holder (Acord form in most states) Mechanical Integrity Plan (if providing critical equipment on Energy XXI’s premise) Last three years of OSHA 300 and 300A forms Injury/illness summary forms Employee Training Records and certificates of course completion (Enter in Training Tracker) Last three years of Experience Modifier Rate (EMR) documents received from your workers compensation insurance company Safe Work Practices EHS Manual Training plan and/or matrix
Document Information SECTION 2 How to Meet This Requirement Certain questions in your SSQ ask for specific documents and give you the option to upload documents To have the ability to upload a document to PEC’s system, Verification Package is required If you have previously purchased the Document Upload and Training Tracker Bundle or were a CAP subscriber, you will not have to purchase the Verification Package until your subscription renewal for those is due. To purchase go to:
Document Information SECTION 2 Certificate Upload and Storage
Document Information SECTION 2 Training Tracker Employee training records and certificates of completion must be uploaded into PEC’s Advanced Training Tracker PEC Safety offers a Training Tracker to house all your employee training records and certificates for Energy XXI to review Enter training records for specific personnel to arrive on Energy XXI locations Upload training certificates and documentation to verify training Release training records to Energy XXI
Document Information SECTION 2 Training Tracker Benefits Adopt operator training matrices (Energy XXI’s will be available this week. Notification will be sent to contractors when available.) Run training needed and taken reports All PEC training is automatically added Able to print company badges with training listed
Training Information SECTION 3
Training Information SECTION 3 Step 1: SafeGulf Orientation At a minimum, all personnel arriving on an Energy XXI location must have SafeGulf Orientation See Attachment II for additional information about SafeGulf The deadline to have all personnel visiting an Energy XXI location to have SafeGulf Orientation is September 1, 2015
Training Information SECTION 3 Standardized Orientation PEC Basic Orientation Meets SafeGulf requirement 1-day class PEC enters student data into Training Tracker PEC QC’s test and prints permanent cards Each student who successfully completes the course leaves class with a temporary ID card
Training Information SECTION 3 PEC Core Compliance Meets SafeGulf requirement 3-day course that can be divided and taken over 3 month period 1-day yearly refresher Meets over 90% of OSHA required job specific training Exceeds Awareness level and meets Training requirements
Training Information SECTION 3 Training Progression
Training Information SECTION 3 Training Providers With over 2800+ authorized PEC training providers in over 42 states, PEC Safety makes it easy for anyone to acquire SafeGulf To find a trainer in your area visit:
Training Information SECTION 3 Acquiring PEC Core Compliance PEC Train the Trainer Train your employees in-house Become certified to teach SafeGulf and train your employees yourself Utilize a PEC instructor Locate a trainer in your area at Get your own in-house program accredited through PEC Safety, IADC or OMSA (offshore) ETC (onshore)
Training Information SECTION 3 Standardized Badging Training Tracker allows Contractor to create customized badges: Company Logo Employee Photo/ID PEC Number Completed Training Listed on the Back Customizable to Include In-house and 3rd Party Training
Training Information SECTION 3 Verify Orientation and Training PEC’s Training Card Lookup Application Verify training on-site through any broadband connected computer or smart phone. Verify training pre- employment Free of charge Operator can verify 3rd party and in-house training
Sub-contractors Does your company use sub-contractors? Let PEC Safety take the burden of sub-contractors off of your shoulders Managing your sub- contractors with PEC Safety is cost effective, saving you time and money!
Follow-up Webinars PEC Safety and Energy XXI will be hosting follow up webinars on the following days for those that could not attend the CIMs: August 25 at 10:00am August 26 at 2:00pm
PEC Safety Contact PEC Safety’s Contractor Support Dept. For any additional questions or comments, contact us at: 866.647.2338 | Get on Board with PEC Safety! Completion Dates Contractor Requirements – September 1, 2015