GSCOP: An e-learning case study David Ward Regulatory, Ethics & Compliance Director, Tesco
Tesco compliance model A. Governance & Leadership B. Risk Assessment C. Policies D. Guidance & Procedures E. Awareness, Training & Communication F. Monitoring & Review
Our compliance training principles We use training to help colleagues do their jobs better, not to tick a box. This means the content must be memorable, relevant to the user and engaging. Training is just one part of a wider communications and awareness campaign. There is a place for e-learning and a place for face-to- face training. It’s not an either/or equation. Monitoring completion rates and seeking feedback are critical. …and never call it “compliance training”.
Meet the team
Feedback is a gift Users were asked to give feedback on the following statements: The module was relevant to my role The module was engaging and interesting The module was the right length The test questions were fair The hints and tips were helpful Around 75% of users agreed or strongly agreed with these statements