Grade-level Data Team Meetings
Role of School-wide Data Team Role of Grade-level Data Team Analyzes benchmark data from all grade levels – Fall, Winter and Spring Analyzes grade level data – benchmark and progress monitoring Identifies instructional needs from all grade levels Identifies student instructional needs at a grade level Prioritizes resources: Zone Schools: Tiers I, II, and III Oregon RtI Schools: Tiers I & II PPS Framework for Tiered Reading Support Analyzes Creates a grade-level tiered approach to reading aligned to school-wide plan Develops a School-wide Reading Action Plan Develops Action Plans Learner Centered Problem Problem of Practice Instructional Strategy Analyzes effectiveness of school-wide reading plan using PPS Healthy Systems Checklist Analyzes effectiveness of instruction identified in teacher Action Plans
Establishing Grade-level Data Team Meetings Basics of a Data Wall Teacher Action Plans Protocols
Introduction to Data Walls A Data Wall is… a planning tool that allows you to design and organize reading instruction a visual way to monitor student progress and instructional effectiveness Ask them to look around the room to see data walls, turn and talk about what you know about these data walls and how they are used. Acknowledge tiers, red yellow, green, each student is represented by a card, the card is determined by the fall screener (dibels, easyCBM), 8:50-9:05
PPS Framework Review Table Discussion Choose a grade level Use the Framework to identify the instructional materials and time recommended for each Tier 9:05-9:15
Data Cards Fall DIBELS Composite Score and easyCBM Risk Rating determines Tier (color of card) Color stays the same throughout year in order to give visual representation of student progress Triangulate data to fine tune instruction within Tier DIBELS individual measures (e.g., NWF, ORF) easyCBM individual measures (e.g., VOCAB, PRF) Progress Monitoring Phonics Survey Tasks In program assessments Oaks Prior knowledge activityAsk them to look around the room to see data walls, turn and talk about what you know about these data walls and how they are used. Acknowledge tiers, red yellow, green, each student is represented by a card, the card is determined by the fall screener (dibels, easyCBM), 8:50-9:05
Data Card Example
Instructional Focus Groups… allow teachers to differentiate instruction within a tier and to design targeted small group instruction that addresses identified gaps in learning. Ask them to look around the room to see data walls, turn and talk about what you know about these data walls and how they are used. Acknowledge tiers, red yellow, green, each student is represented by a card, the card is determined by the fall screener (dibels, easyCBM), 8:50-9:05
Understanding Instructional Focus Groups Table Activity 5-7 minutes: Divide your team into 3 groups (K, 1-3 & 4-8) Each group reads the Instructional Focus Group document for their assigned grade level group Highlight critical descriptors and recommended instructional focus Be prepared to teach your team what you learned 10 minutes: Use Go Around Protocol for each Instructional Focus Group Share key points of each, K, 1-3 and 4-8 Ask them to look around the room to see data walls, turn and talk about what you know about these data walls and how they are used. Acknowledge tiers, red yellow, green, each student is represented by a card, the card is determined by the fall screener (dibels, easyCBM), 8:50-9:05
Check for Understanding At your table, discuss the correct Instructional Focus Group Hold up card with the appropriate group number Ask them to look around the room to see data walls, turn and talk about what you know about these data walls and how they are used. Acknowledge tiers, red yellow, green, each student is represented by a card, the card is determined by the fall screener (dibels, easyCBM), 8:50-9:05
Application Activity Brianna –1st Grade Description: DIBELS Composite Score indicates Low Risk/Benchmark Status Passed all sections of the Phonics Survey Passed all Scott Foresman Unit Assessments (or SF Quick Check-outs) Using this assessment information, determine Brianna’s instructional focus group. 11 11
Application Activity David – 2nd Grade Description: DIBELS Composite Score indicates Some Risk/Strategic Did not pass 1 or more tasks on the Phonics Survey Using this assessment information, determine David’s instructional focus group. 12 12
Application Activity Sarah –Kindergarten Description: DIBELS Composite Score indicates High Risk/Intensive Using this assessment information, determine Sarah’s instructional focus group. 13 13
Application Activity Robert – 4th Grade Description: easyCBM Risk Rating indicates Some Risk/Strategic Passed Tasks 12 & 13 on 2nd Grade Phonics Survey Fluency score is below grade level percentile Inconsistent performance on SF Unit Assessments Using this assessment information, determine Robert’s instructional focus group. 14 14
Application Activity Trevor – 7th Grade Description: EasyCBM Risk Rating indicates Low Risk/Benchmark Passed all classroom assessments Met on OAKS Using this assessment information, determine Trevor’s instructional focus group. 15 15
Establishing Grade-level Team Meetings Basics of a Data Wall Teacher Action Plans Protocols
Teacher Action Plans Learner Centered Problem Instructional Strategy Plan to assess Samples and 1 page strategy page 10:05- 10:15
Establishing Grade-level Team Meetings Basics of a Data Wall Teacher Action Plans Protocols
Text-Based Discussion Protocol Table Group 10 minutes: Read the Fall Benchmark Data Analysis Protocol Take margin notes and/or highlight key ideas 15 minutes: Discuss Guiding Questions What role does the Data Wall play in the analysis of grade level data and the planning of instruction? How does the protocol guide teachers in evaluating their grade level tiered approach to reading? What are the key steps in the protocol? How does this protocol support teachers to have focused data conversations?
Protocol Shifts Fall Winter Spring Purposes: Reviewing Outcomes Fall to Winter Summary of Effectiveness Fall to Winter Reviewing Outcomes Winter to Spring Summary of Effectiveness Winter to Spring Create Data Wall with Instructional Focus Groups Update Data Wall and Instructional Focus Groups Update Data Wall Evaluate grade-level reading plan Revise grade-level reading plan Plan for Fall Develop Teacher Action Plan Develop/Refine Teacher Action Plan 10:45-10:50
K-8 Reading Team Daniel Cogan – Cathy Cowherd – Sheila Hallinan – Mindy Hawley – Maryanne Stalnaker –